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Oliver's pov

It's the week where we have are formal at are school! I don't know who to ask there's Emily , Lindsay, Lilly and jubilee the list goes on and on. I walk into class and I realize that i don't have a feeling for any of these girls not even all little bit all the boys are trying to get them as there girlfriend.

It was recess and we all went outside to play. I was trying to make the most out of this year because next year I have to stay inside all year around. I go read in a small corner where nobody can see you it's very hard to read with one eye that works but I've had some years of practise. All of a sudden my friends Jake,Kylie ,diamond and Kyle come out of nowhere and diamond says "lets play truth or dare" we all agreed and we started to play

"Kyle I dare you to take off your shirt till the bell rings" JaKe says. He does it

"Ok my turn um.... I dare Ollie to kiss Kylie" Kyle says

We both look at each other, we knew we had to do it. We lean in very closely and kiss. It's probably the best first kiss in the whole world it was so good I knew who I was going to ask to the dance but at the same one the kiss didn't feel right

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