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Zoe's pov

I was reading on my phone and I tripped on my slippery socks down the stairs

"Alfie I fell!"

He runs down stairs and says

"I'm taking you to hospital I'm gonna get the girls" he says

He gets the girls in the car and helps me get in the car and we drive to the hospital

25 mins later

We get there and get into a room immediately a doctors come in and he says

"You are having contractions so we're gonna have to make you push" she says

"What no, I'm only 6 and a half months long it's to early!!"

"I'm sorry but were gonna come back in a couple of minutes and your gonna push there is no other option"

They come back I have to push

"I can't do this I want to go home"

"1.2.3 pushhh" the doctor says

And just like that my baby come out but instead of them putting it on me to hold the baby a group of doctors grab the baby and start hooking machines to our baby

"What's wrong" I ask

"The baby's lungs hasn't fully develop so it's just helping and I'm afraid that your baby is blind in The right eye because it didn't fully develop" she says

"May we know the gender" Alfie asks

"Well it's a .........


Hey guys so now you guys comment one girl name and one boy name and I will chose the name I like because I already know the gender

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