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1 month later
Zoe's pov

Look I know I'm a mother and I'm suppose to be all mature and everything but I just REALLY hate Monday's. And the worst part is when you have kids because we have to wake up early make them breakfast wake them up make them eat and get them ready. And if you don't do that then your doomed

Today is there very first day of them going to there new daycare. Alfie made the breakfast I woke them up and help them get dressed and do there hair and I put my hair in a messy bun some ripped jean shorts and a sweater that's says eat sleep Netflix we get into the car and head off

10 minutes later

Immediately when I walked all the mothers went silent and then they were whispering. I noticed that all of them are in there thirties and I'm only 27 I walked into the office and saw the daycare lady

"Hi I'm Zoe and this is sapphire and melody"

"Well hello how are you I would just like to say some rules and question " she says


"So first my name is miss.piper and I'm the head daycare supervisor here we also have Denise and Kim over there who help out we have some ground rules: keep your hands and legs to your self, no bad words around here,no back talking to the supervisors and also no pranks but the last one is mostly for the older kids who come here after school. So I have a couple questions why did you decide to come here and also do your kids have any allergies?"

"We came her for 2 reasons 1: is because are last daycare had a supervisor who used lots of language. And 2: because we want the kids to make friends and socialize. And Melody has a walnut allergy" I say politely

"Well that's good to hear and we have many toys for them to play with so come over here and I will show you your cubbies"

There cubbies were so nicely decorated and it had there names on it

"So pick up is at 4:30 or 3:00 if you do not come before or at 4:30 it will cost extra" she says

"Ok well thank you for making them feel comfortable but I have one question do guys do nap time here?"

"Yes we do at 1:30 is there nap for the kids 4 and under"

"Perfect, ok girls I'm gonna go now" I say giving them both hugs and kisses

I'm walking out of the daycare building and I here a mother say to another mother

"I bet that girl had one night stand and this happened"

And then another one




But I just ignored them and left to go see Nala And Alfie

So I hope you guys enjoyed that I'm currently on a road trip so I've been just in a car updating

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