Going home

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Saphs pov

I'm so excited that I'm leaving the hospital today now I get to see Nala she very old that I'm surprised she is still alive. I walk out sit in the car and check Instagram

Once we get home I go on my computer and edit the video that I previously filmed before this all happened

Ashley's pov

I've been perfecting my plan for years now on how to get Alfie back I know it seems crazy but I love him and I know he loves me

"C'mon Stacey we have to go"


"Just don't speak when we're there"


Zoe's pov

Me and Alfie were supper when I heard a knock at the door. I went and answered it and it was that bitch Ashley from years ago I don't know why she's here it's over

"what do you want" I say

"I need to speak to Alfie" all of a sudden a kid appears

"Whose at the door?" Alfie says coming to the door

"Years ago when I came to your house on New Years and I meant Alfie it didn't end there, he kept trying to see me and we did it a couple of times and now me and Alfie have a 12 year old daughter together" she says

"That's bull" Alfie says.

"I'm sorry it's true"

"That never happened I never wanted you I firkin hate you"

I couldn't believe it Alfie had a daughter and it wasn't with me I thought that we were perfect but I was wrong. I go upstairs and I pack clothes and then I tell the kids to pack some. I still heard Alfie screaming at Ashley but they could save it I secretly got all the things in the car then me and saph,melody and Oliver walked out the front door

"Where are you going" Alfie says

"Taking my family on a trip"

"But I'm part of your family" Alfie says choked up

"You have a different family" and I drive off

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