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Zoe's pov

I am in my bedroom crying from what Alfie did to me but deep in my heart I want him, I start to watch  Friends from season one.

Sapphire pov

I was waiting by the door to. We set up cameras in the living room and we're just waiting for Alfie then there is knock at the door

"Ollie" was the code word to get mum down here as soon as possible I see mum and Ollie coming down stairs. Perfect, once she gets in the living room I open the door

"Where's Zoe?" He says

"Mums in the living room"

Dad walks into the living room and mum looks away

"Now you two work it out" I say closing the door

Alfies pov

"Your pregnant and having an abortion?"

"No! Who told you that"


"He just did that to lure you here"

"Zoe I gonna say for the a millionth time that 12 year old girl is not my child"

"Really then why did Ashley say that you came back for her twelve years ago behind my back!"

"I didn't" I say calmly

"Yes you did, now look Alfie I still love you but we're over its done my line has been crossed"

"I love you"

"Now make up a lie so you can get out"

"Bye I love you" I say

She doesn't answer I walk out make an excuse and leave

Once I get home I check the mail and the DNA test is in there I open it up and I need to show this to Zoe. I drive back and I junco on the door


"Morning Tracey may I speak to Zoe"

"Sure she's in the spare bedroom"

I walk pass her and walk into the spare bedroom

"Alfie why are you-" I cut her of me by kissing her. I was so happy that she kissed back

"Alfie why are you here you have no reason here"

"I'm here to prove my innocence" I say handing her the DNA test

"Alf I'm so happy that it isn't true" she say tearing up then she kissed me I obviously kissed back

"I'm sorry alf it's just me anxiety is always making me believe things and the first thing I should've done was trust you"

"Look, will  just have to work on the trust"

Me and her hug and watch tv together

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