Crazy party

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I'm just gonna say that I'm gonna make this book have as many twist as possible

Melody's pov
I walk into the party late at night I see my new friends Kari and Brooklyn and also my boyfriend chad. I see all the booze around and everyone making out. I grab a drink and I start to dance with chad I grind on him kiss him I super drunk by this point we went up to a private room and it happened.

Ollie's pov

Kylie is so annoying she won't shut up. I don't even like her I like Kyle he's so attractive and smart I wish I could kiss his soft lips right now

"Olliepieeee why won't you hold my hand" she says

"Because I don't want too"

"You don't want to do anything why don't you like me"

"Because I don't like you. Your not my type I don't like girls"

"What do you mean ollieeepie"

"I'm GAY!!!!!!" I say. She steps back

"Okay thanks for dating me when you knew you were gay. It's not like your gonna find anyone that loves you" she says and then does an evil chuckle

"Ohh really because me and Ollie just started dating and we live each other" I hear someone from behind me say it was Kyle I knew it he loved me and I loved him

We peck each other on the lips and walk away

Now it's just time to tell my parents

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