The plan

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Alfies pov

I heard a knock at the door and I was praying it was Zoe but it wasn't it was Ashley

"Hey alfpie, how are you"

"Shut the fuck up you know what you did"

"Baby don't say that in front of our child"

"She isn't mine"

"How is she not yours"

I shut the door in her face that reminds me of new year about 12 years ago when I did that the first time it felt so good

Oliver's pov

I ring dad it was time to execute the plan

"Hello?" I say

"Ollie how is your mum" dad says

"Actually not that good since you and her are done now she is getting an abortion because she accidentally got pregnant, I know you don't want to hear it from me" I say

Alfies pov

"She accidentally got pregnant.........

Abortion noooooo

"I'm going over to her right now" I hung up and started driving

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