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Zoe's pov

"Alf when do you think Ollie is gonna get his first girlfriend" I say

"Don't know right now he's just playing video games with Kyle"Alfie says

"There best friends"


"Mom,dad" I hear a weak voice say

It was Oliver

"Yes honey what do you need" I say

"I need for you guys to listen" he says and points to the table

We all go sit down and he starts to talk.

"Guys I don't know how to tell you this but I never really liked girls and I in fact like guys"

This reminds me of Tyler. He was so open about it and I still love that about one of my good friends

"We are going to support your situation" Alfie says

"And also I have a boyfriend and I would like you to meet him" he says

"We would love to when can we see him" I say

"Right now, Kyle come out" Oliver says

I couldn't believe it now I know there so tight and together there dating

"Guys this is my boyfriend"

"Well hi Kyle I hope you guys love each other"

"We do" they say in unisons

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