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Melody's pov

It's been a month now and I've been to my first ultra sound. Everyone is trying to still get used to it, dad has barley talk to me ever since he found out I was pregnant. I still haven't told chad about it and I feel like I'm not ready for it.

"Dad" I say


"Please talk to me like you used to do" I say

"But why did you get pregnant" dad said

"I was a drunk mess!to be honest it was such a blur"

"I don't get why you even got drunk"

"Please just support me threw this I know I made a huge mistake, but I still have a chance to put the baby up for adoption"

"Well if you have this baby you have to get a job" dad says

"I will" I say I go to give him a hug and he gives me a bear hug

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