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Melodys pov

Even know it's been 2 months I'm still pissed at sapphire for saying that about my friends I now don't care if they talk shit about my sister I actually join in on the trash talk,sometimes we will sit near her and her friend and her new boyfriend Jacob so they can hear I noticed some cuts but she has fell many of time on the penny board she has I'm pretty sure it's just that.

I get home and sapphire goes strait up to her room I'm so confused on her attitude lately I see  threw the creak of the door and I see raise a blade a put it against her skin

"no,no,no........this can't be happening" I whisper to my self

This was all my fault if I just told them to stop this would've never happened I walk into my bedroom and I start to cry and I hear a door close from the bathroom I realize that's it's sapphire so I run to her room and grabbed the blade to tell mom

Zoe's pov

I've been wanting to talk to sapphire because she has been acting weird lately I walk up to her bedroom no one there then I check the balcony and I see sapphire plunge to her death

"NOOOOOOOO!" I scream

I rush downstairs and I run pass alike and he says

"You're in a hurry" he says laughing

I run outside and see sapphire bleeding I start crying and then melody came out

"Mom sapphire has been self-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED"

"Get your father to call the ambulance"

Then Ollie and Alfie come outside and see what's going on

And she gets rushed to the hospital

25 mins later

We all ride in the ambulance and melody was really quiet once we get there the paramedics rush her over to the ER  we were sitting in the chairs at the hospital and I tried to talk to melody about what happened

"Do you know why she did this?

"Uhh...I don't know mabye she was getting a lot of hate on here YouTube channel?"

"Ok?" Was she getting hate? I don't know
5 mins later

So melody and Alfie went to go get food and me and Ollie were talking

"Do you know why sapphire did this"

"She gets bullied a lot at school by the popular girls"

"What are the popular girls names" I ask

"Stephanie, Rebecca and melody" he says

What? How could melody do this to her own sister,her twin! there suppose to be so together

"What do they say?"

"Well they say slut and also whore and they say go kill yourself and lots of other things"

"Did you see anything suspicious around the house"

"One time I went to go get the tablet in here room and I check her drawer and it had a blade with blood on it if that helps"

"That's great thanks"

"Excuse me ms.deyes" a doctor says

"Yes what's wrong with my daughter"

"Well by the way she fell it was a suicide attempt and how she fell on her head it should have snapped and should would've been dead instantly but you have a miracle child"

I burst into tears of joy I went to go see her and she was asleep I walked out to let the doctor give her some medicine she wakes up and I hear the doctor saying she's very lucky she's alive but she screamed




I started bursting into tears

I see Alfie and melody and melody says

"Can I know the reason why she did this" melody asks

"Like you don't know already" I say


"The popular girl who calls her twin a slut and a whore yeah you know why WHY IN THE FUCKING WORLD DID YOU DO THIS" I say quite loud still sobbing

"I don't know why I guess I was trying to be cool" she says and then starts to cry

Alfie decides to take melody home while me and ollie meant saph

"Hey honey how yeah feeling"

"Horrible, are you mad?" She says while a tear runs down her face

"Of course not sweetie"

"Can I have a hug" she says

Me and Ollie get up and hug her and I see a load of cuts from her self harming and we stay in a hug and then we leave to get ready for tomorrow for school and then me and Alfie are going to see saph in hospital

The next day
Melodys pov

I'm grounded I got my phone taken away and I can't leave the house except for school for 7 months. I hated what I did and I deserved that

I got to school and I saw my "friends" I didn't want to be friends anymore with them they approach me and Stephanie says

"I see that slut isn't at school she did us a favour how sweet"

We were in the the hallway and now is my time to expose them with everyone here


"You probably already know these girls but you may not now what they do behind and out of closed doors" I say everybody looking at me

"What are you doing" Stephanie whispers to me

"Making you look "good"" I say

"These girls have be Harassing girls and calling them sluts and whores and telling them to go kill them selfs" I say

"What the hell" Stephanie says

"And now my sister that they've been harassing  at school and at home and now my sister is in hospital because of them"

Everybody was clapping for me and the girls were so embarrassed    

Alfies pov

Me and Zoe were going to meet sapphire in hospital we felt so sorry for her we got lunch and talked to  her and talked about how lucky we haved her in are lives

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