Chapter 5

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When I woke up, Ironhide was leaning against a wall, he had his arms crossed and his eyes were dim, and he had a serious face on his face, I sat up and then yawned, I stretched my arms, when I got done yawning I got up and I tiptoed over to the duffle bag and I then opened it, and I grabbed a box of chocolate Kraves, and when I had the box in hand I tiptoed back over to the hay bale where I was sleeping when I got over to the hay bale, I got comfortable again under the blankets, I quietly opened the box and I started to eat, and then Sweetspark crossed my mind.

Sweetspark... Maybe where he came from, instead of Sweetheart they used Sweetspark! I'm such a genius! Come to think of it I like Sweetspark better than Sweetheart! I want Ironhide to call me that more often, it makes me feel like I'm the only kid he needs! I smiled at the thought of me being Ironhide's only kid, and then I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Ironhide stretch, I looked over at him, "Mornin" I said, Ironhide snapped his head over to me, "How long have you been up?" He asked, "Not long," I said, "Oh okay," Ironhide said, he then got up and limped back over to his spot.

When I was full, I then set the box down, I then got up and I walked over to where he was sitting, I sat down beside him, "What are we gonna do today" I asked but my southern accent kicked in, He chuckled and looked at me, "Have I told you when you do your southern accent, it's what is that word... I think the word is...cute" Ironhide said, I smiled softly, "Thank ya," I said, he only chuckled, "I think you're is softie" I said, He looked at me, "What am I made out of?" he asked, "Pillows" I said sarcastically, he chuckled, "No it's metal" Ironhide said, "Metal is SOFT" I said, he only shook his head, "No it's hard" He said, I laughed.

"What?" He asked, "I'm a dirty-minded six-year-old," I said and I continued laughing when I got done laughing Ironhide sighed heavily and he shook his head, "What is a spark?" I asked randomly, "It's what you call a heart" Ironhide explained, "Oh, that makes sense, what do you call your head?" I asked "A helm" He explained, "That's cool," I said, he only chuckled, "So what do you call a person that does something stupid?" I asked, "An Idiot," He said seriously, and I laughed.

"What's your favorite type of music?" I asked, He only looked at me confused, "You look like you're country" I said, "I don't understand" Ironhide said, "I'll show you country" I said, I got up and I ran over to my bag and I pulled my iPod out, and then I ran back over to Ironhide with iPod in hand, I sat back down beside him and I typed in the passcode, and I went to my music.

I scrolled down to a song I think he might like 'When She says Baby by Jason Aldean' I played the song, Ironhide sat and listened, when the song got done playing Ironhide looked down at me, "Was that country?" He asked, I nodded, "I like it," Ironhide said, "I'll show you Pop," I said, he nodded, I played 'I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons' Ironhide listened to the song, when the song ended Ironhide looked down at me, "I like country better," He said, I chuckled, "But that song was good" He continued, and then I heard an engine, I gave my iPod to Ironhide who took it, "Easy with it," I said, he nodded and he then started to examine it, I walked out the door and I saw Tom and Tammy get out of their truck, I walked over to them, "We've got some stuff in the back," Tammy said, they both walked to the back of the truck and they grabbed boxes.

Tammy handed me a McDonalds bag, "I got you pancakes, along with a hash brown" Tammy said, "You are a goddess" I said, and then I hugged her, when I let go I ran inside the barn, "Hey 'Hide Tom and Tammy are here" I said, He looked up from the iPod, "Oh okay" Ironhide said, and then Tom and Tammy walked through the door with boxes in hand, "Hey Tom" I said, "Hey Pumpkin" Tom said, Ironhide looked at him, I walked over to him, he had his LONG and BIG legs out in front of him, I climbed up on his good leg and I sat down, "Shadow what are you doing?" Ironhide asked, "I'm sittin' on your leg," I said, Ironhide took his finger and ruffled my hair; Tom and Tammy set the supplies on the ground in separate piles.

"Where should we start?" Tammy asked Tom, "I think you should start on his leg," I said and I pointed at him hurt leg, Tom and Tammy walked over to where I pointed, when they saw the burn they both gasped, "What monsters," Tammy said, "What Jerks," Tom said, "What flesh-bags," I said, Ironhide looked at me, I looked at him, "Shadow," Tom said, I looked down at Tom, "You know if Ironhide leaves, you can go if you want," Tom said, "I know," I said happily, and then Tom walked out of the barn and then after 1 minute he walked back in with a speaker in hand, "Time to get to work," Tammy said, I plugged my iPod into the speaker, and I picked a country song, it was 'You Don't Know Her Like I Do by Brantley Gilbert' and then we all got to work.

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