Chapter 26

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Shadow's POV

The next time when I woke up I heard machines beeping, I look around groaning in pain.

Where am I? Why does my body hurt?

Oh god did I get hit by Optimus and all of the other Autobots?

I open my eyes slowly, I am met with the smell of Clorox, I look around seeing I'm in a plain white room in a hospital bed? I look at my arms and legs, okay all limbs are accounted for, I touch my forehead and wince feeling soft medical wrap around my head, I look at my ankle, my ankle is wrapped up in black cast wrap, did I break my ankle? Okay...

I close my eyes when the door opens, I hear soft whispering, "How are we gonna tell her?" I hear Sideswipe whisper.

Tell me what?

"I don't know, but we might want to lock the door, or she'd try to get out," I hear SunStreaker grunt, wait how are they in here? This room is big enough for humans...

"I don't know about her getting out, she's got a broken ankle, but let's wake her up," Sideswipe whispers, "Shadow?" SunStreaker grunts, "Shadow?" Sideswipe says and shakes me slightly, I feel a human hand on my shoulder, human hand? What in the world?

I open my eyes slightly and then slowly close them, "Wake up squishy," SunStreaker grunts, "Sunny, we are also squishy so," Sideswipe says I could hear the smile, "Shut up and don't call me that!" SunStreaker growls, "Come on Shadow," Sideswipe says shaking me again, I open my eyes fully, "What?" I groan rubbing my eyes tiredly, playing off the whole "I've been asleep this whole time" act. From the sound of it, they are falling for.

"Wake up squishy, we have some news," SunStreaker says with a growl but softly as his voice went from high and stern to low, I sat up, "Where's Hide?" I ask rubbing my eyes, Sideswipe looks at SunStreaker, a curious look on his face, "He's not-" I say covering my mouth up with my hands, but Sideswipe cuts me off, "He's fine but healing," Sideswipe says softly, "I want him," I order, "No, he's recharging we have to save his strength," SunStreaker says.

"I said I want to see him!" I growl tears pouring down my cheeks, "No," Sideswipe and SunStreaker both say, "WHY?" I growl, then calm down and start sobbing, "What happened?" I sob, Sideswipe and SunStreaker both wrap me in their arms, they start telling me how Optimus told Ironhide and Bumblebee to take Tessa to safety, but Tessa told Bumblebee to turn back, Ironhide said no. But then after some serious begging Ironhide turned back, they were both keeping Lockdown from Optimus but Ironhide ended up......getting stabbed...

My heart stops, "W...what?" I ask looking up not wanting to believe it, "Kiddo, it's okay," SunStreaker says pulling me in his arms, I look up at him, my eyes widen seeing his big beautiful blue eyes, his blond hair pulled to the side in some kind of braid, he had on a yellow, red and black jacket with a black shirt underneath, he has black gloves on his hands, he has white pants:

what?" I ask looking up not wanting to believe it, "Kiddo, it's okay," SunStreaker says pulling me in his arms, I look up at him, my eyes widen seeing his big beautiful blue eyes, his blond hair pulled to the side in some kind of braid, he had on ...

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