Chapter 48

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Sorry for the mistakes!!

Shadow's POV

I woke up tired than ever it felt like I slept for one second, I look over at my clock and see I've been asleep for 2 HOURS?!

I lay back down in bed and try to think of what day, month and year it is, once my thoughts are gathered I get out of bed and walk downstairs, I hear voices in the living room, I remember Daddy's words:

"Now sweetie if we ever have a break in there is a wooden bat under the bed and a frying pan in the kitchen. Pick one and beat the scrap out of that robber!"

I went over every word, then I remembered! I have a wrench in my pocket! Ratchet makes me carry it around, you know just in case he thinks one of the others is taunting me or just being annoying. I pull the wrench out and get ready to throw it, I tiptoe into the living room and see Shane and Tessa cuddling on the couch, Shane has his arm wrapped around Tessa's shoulders while she is drinking Starbucks.

'Ugh Teenage girls!' Ratchet groans making me mentally giggle.

I slip the wrench back in my pocket, "Shane? Tessa? What are you two doin' here?" I ask my country accent kicking in, "Oh hey Shadow!" Tessa chirps looking at me,  "Where's Hide and Chromia along with the others?" I ask, "They went out with my dad, they'll be home soon," Tessa says with a chirp.

I shrug my shoulders and sit in Daddy's chair snuggling up with Dad's favorite blanket.

Ironhide's POV

"Alright! Welcome to Walmart!" Cade says while we all climb out of our alts, "Ironhide? I've got a bad feeling about this," Sideswipe says, "Don't worry," Chromia says patting his shoulder gently, "We'll be done in no time!" She reassures the rest.

Once in the store we all grab a cart as Cade told us to, Cade tells us a lot of weird random things I didn't listen too, "Alright you all have a phone I believe?" Cade asks making all of us pull out our phones, "Okay, let's split up and go shopping!" He says "I and SunStreaker are together!" Sideswipe calls then him and SunStreaker both walk off, "I've got a feeling they're gonna act like children, I'll go with them," DragonFly says walking off after them.

I and Chromia watch as the others walk off, shrugging I walked off after Chromia who was pushing a cart, Chromia has been to Walmart before, she and Shadow go grocery shopping together most of the time I or one of the others would go except Hound.

I and Chromia had a copy of Shadow's Christmas list that Cade had copied down in better handwriting, don't get me wrong I love Shadow to death but the kid needs to work on her handwriting.


:: Ironhide! That was rude! She's only six and like you should be talking the bank called and asked me if a toddler wrote your signature!::. Chromia growls.


:: Now you know how Shadow feels!::. Chromia says.

We make it to the toy aisle, I see both of the twins "Yes she's the daughter of a weapon specialist and we need your biggest Nerf gun and bullets," Sideswipe says with a smirk making the woman chuckle and blush slightly, Chromia raised her optic ridge while SunStreaker growled and told Sideswipe to stop flirting with her, "Boys what are you doing?" Arcee asks walking up with Bumblebee, who has an arm wrapped around her shoulders, the helper runs off when Sideswipe asked her out for a drink.

"Idiot can't even pick up femmes!" Crosshairs laughed along with Chromia, "I can pick up femmes! Just ask Shadow!" Sideswipe says then yelps when I have him in a headlock, "What did you say?!" I growl tightening my grip then a couple look at me and Sideswipe, "Just brotherly love! Right, brother?" I ask ruffling his hair with a fake smile the couple bought, "Yep!" He yelps when I tightened my hold.

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