Chapter 36

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Ironhide's POV

My helm perks up at a blaster being shot then two enraged roars, "It seems to be coming from the woods," Hound states, "Shadow is in there!" Terry says worriedly, "Arcee and Drift get her and Tom inside of the house, I need you two to stay here and make sure they stay inside!" Chromia orders, both Arcee and Drift nod quickly.

My cannons roar to life when I hear rustling in the woods, then we see red and yellow bots appear from the woods, the yellow mech is holding something in his servos, DragonFly gasps and looks at Chromia, DragonFly steps in front of SunStreaker and his servos, SunStreaker growls and bares his dentas, "I won't, you know that," DragonFly says softly to the yellow twin, Chromia sees what it is, I go to step forward but Drift, Crosshairs, Bumblebee and Hound stops me, the femmes crowd around Sideswipe and SunStreaker, "Ironhide, ya might want ta hang back on this one," Jazz says putting his servos on my chassis to stop me, "No, I don't want to hang back on this one!" I growl struggling to get around them.

Chromia's POV

DragonFly worked gently trying to get Shadow online, "Come sweetie," DragonFly whispers trying to get Shadow's bleeding to stop, SunStreaker was stiffer than a board, he wasn't complaining about his paint or nothing.

For the first time in forever I see pain, fear and worry in SunStreaker's optics, which surprising from an aft hole of a mech, who hated humans and only cared about himself and his twin, but Shadow when I thought it was moving smoothly Shadow starts to wake up.

Ironhide's POV

I try to shove past them but then I freeze hearing a soft, weak: "Owie, I want Hide" my spark stalled hearing that small familiar voice.

"Drift!" DragonFly orders, "Get Terry or Tom to call an ambulance," Drift nods and lets Sideswipe take his place, I see fear, worry and pain in Sideswipe's optics, then I catch a glimpse hair...

My optics widen, my spark thrums with fury, Some Fragger HURT SHADOW?!

Rage was taking over my frame, Chromia snaps her helm back, "HOLD HIM DOWN!" She yells, I let out an enraged roar.

Some. Fragger. Hurt. My. Sparkling?! THEY ARE DEAD!!

My jaw clenched tightly in anger while the others struggled to keep me on the ground, I was growling and roaring trying to get away from them, my creator instincts were kicking in on full blast, I am going to offline that fragger! I am going to gut him with my own servos I'm going to cackle while his Energon splatters all over my chassis, that fragger is going to wish he was offline!

I kick off Bumblebee, he lets out a whirl while he flies back, Sideswipe takes his place, "Ironhide! Hold still!" Hound yells over my roars and growls.

I wanted to get to Shadow...


I needed to get to Shadow!

That was my mission, I growl out in pain when Crosshairs punches me in my jaw, I move to kick him but I arch my back struts feeling some bot jab their digits into my forced statis spot, I let my optics offline then I'm forced into statis mode.

Shadow's POV

Ironhide's growls and roars were suddenly muted then I hear metal crashing to the ground, it hurt to breathe it felt like I was being stabbed with each breath I took, I was shocked I'm still alive.

'Focus on that!' Ratchet grunts, he then continued saying sort of comforting words to me in my head.

I looked at DragonFly, she was making sure I stayed alive until the ambulances got here, I could hear their sirens from here, I looked up at Sunny weakly, he was holding me in his hands gently, I force a smile on to my lips but I wince mentally at the pain, but Sunny doesn't smile back, his eyes are combing my body worriedly, DragonFly tells SunStreaker and the others to transform and bring out their human forms, "Hound, Drift, Sideswipe, Bee, Crosshiars and Jazz, take Ironhide into the woods, make sure he doesn't wake up or come back!" Chromia orders, the said bots nod and drag Hide off into the woods, to hide him from the people.

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