Chapter 42

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The Next Day

Shadow's POV

I was back at school since the principal made me promise not to fight again, I was actually pretty excited to spend the day with Sides and Sunny since Mom and Dad had to patrol along with the others. I ignored all the kids by staying for away from them and talking with Ratchet instead of paying attention in class or to what the kid was talking about when they talked to me.

Have you ever had that feeling in your tummy that is telling you something bad is gonna happen? Well, you guessed it, I'm having that feeling...

'Don't worry my dear sparkling nothing will happen I promise' Ratchet says with a promising tone.

Then Collin walks up to me, 'Don't listen to Collin, he just wants to start something, be the bigger femme and walk away' Ratchet says, I giggle mentally, 'Are you calling Collin a girl Ratch?' I hum, Ratchet sends me a wave of agreement, Collin kicks the ball away that I was playing with, "Hey dork!" He sneers grabbing my arm, 'Did he just call you a whales-?!' Ratchet growls but cuts himself off, I squirm away from Collin, "I owe you a nice huge punch in your nose," he sneers, his face supporting bruises and scratches from where I hit him, Ratchet scoffs with a grumble then Collin balls up his fist, I shrink down trying not to get hit but then he screams and runs off, I hear heavy footsteps behind me, 'Oh. My. Primus.' Ratchet breathes when I turn seeing a tall red mech that looks like Bee.

'I thought he was dead!' I yelp since Bee bragged to me about killing his cheap knock off.

My breathing gets heavier, "Lights out little meat sack!" He sneers before I'm knocked out....

Sideswipe's POV

Sunny and I are chilling at home watching TV, Sunny changes the channel to the news, we both freeze seeing Shadow's


"In other news today at a local elementary school six year old, Shadow Marie Hide has been reported missing by authorities, a young boy named Collin Clicks tells police that he saw her getting snatched by a Transformer with red armor that looked like the Autobot Bumblebee," the lady says.

Mine and Sunny's spark stop seeing Shadow's picture showing up on the screen, "If anyone has seen this child please contact police," Sunny pauses the TV, Sunny didn't know what to do, he was stuck between leaking his coolant and raging.

Then Ironhide and the others come through the door talking up a storm and laughing, Sunny was glued to her school picture, "SunStreaker? What is a wrong buddy?" Hound asks my frozen twin, but Sunny doesn't speak, the TV is on pause he is taking in the news slowly, then we all hear the remote getting crushed in SunStreaker's servo, "Hey-!" Hide says but stops and looks at the TV, "MISSING" was in bold letters above Shadow picture...

Ironhide is the first to flip...

He starts by letting out an enraged roar, his optics turn a dark red like Sunny's does when he goes into a blind rage then Ironhide fizzles out of existence then Sunny follows, then the rest of us, they both are in their Autobot modes loading every bit of ammo and weapons we've got on their armor, they both were pissed.

Sunny had closed our bond since this rage would possibly be hard to calm me and Sunny down when his rage had affected both of us, "Ironhide, I need you and SunStreaker to calm down-" Arcee says but Ironhide snaps at her:

"Some fucking snot-nosed punk-ass Decepticon has my sparkling and you want me to calm down?!?!?"

"You're out of your processors!" SunStreaker growls at her.

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