Chapter 29

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Shadow's POV

I could feel my heart screaming in happiness, those three little words replayed over and over and over in my head.

He said he loved me!

"Go to sleep, night Sweet Spark," he whispers.

I am sitting up looking at the radio with shock, I climb in the front passenger seat, I read back grabbing my pillow and blanket and get comfortable, "Did you mean it?" I ask, "Mean what?" He asks, "That you loved me," Ironhide and I sit in awkward silence, "I did," he says softly, I cuddle against the seat, "I love you too Hide," I whisper, falling asleep.

The Next Day

When I woke up Ironhide and I were cuddled up in the backseats, my face buried in his neck while he held me, I snuggled back into his chest, Ironhide is so warm, he stole my pillow which he has his head on, his black hair in a slight mess, I squeak when Ironhide turns and I fall to the floorboard Ironhide shoots up, "Decepticon!" He yelps, such a manly yelp, then he sees me on the floor, "What are you doing down there Kiddo?" He asks looking down at me stretching.

"You pushed me on the floor...again." I murmur, he chuckles and ruffles my hair, making it even more messy, I hear his knuckles, neck and finally his back, I try to get up but squeak when Hide pulls me into his lap making sure he didn't hit my cast on anything, he opens the door and leans his vehicle towards the ground, Sideswipe runs up and helps me to the ground gently, "What time is it?" I yawn stretching on my crunches, "2:30 in the afternoon," Sideswipe shrugs.

"I've slept to 2:30 in the afternoon?" I squeak, "New record," Sideswipe looks at me weirdly, "Your pretty weird," he mumbles, "Thanks, is anyone else up?" I ask, "Yep, been up ever since 11:00 o'clock," Sideswipe says with a smirk, "Okay," I say smiling.

Moments later

"Come on you need to take your vitamins," DragonFly says, I jolt my head back and try to escape her, "Shadow Marie Dodge," She snaps putting the spoon with the nasty liquid near my mouth, I growl at her, "HELP!!" I scream when she is on top of me with the spoon in hand, "Open wide!" She orders, "Never!" I scream quickly, "You better take these vitamins! They're healthy for you!" She says smiling, "No! They're a monster to me!" I yelp, "Sideswipe, come hold her mouth open," DragonFly says, Sideswipe nods and tries to open my mouth but I snap at him, "Ahh!" He yelps snatching his hand back not letting me bite.

"Little monster! Hold still!" They both snap, "Ironhide, Chromia!" Sideswipe tattles, they didn't know about this, DragonFly trying to get me to take nasty vitamins, "What-" Ironhide says but cuts himself off seeing DragonFly in her human form holding me down, Sideswipe trying to pry my mouth open, "Stubborn! Little girl!" Sideswipe yells, Chromia looks at Ironhide, they both are in their human forms, "Now I know where she gets it from," She shrugs walking off, "Help!" I scream through gritted teeth, "Kiddo, just take the vitamins," Ironhide says shaking his head, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yell through gritted teeth trying I squirm away from DragonFly. Which isn't working.

"Hold still please?" DragonFly pleads, I then smirk mentally then do a fake yelp in pain, "Ow! DragonFly your hurting me!" I whimper, she moves off of me and helps me up, "Oh sweetie I'm sorry," she says softly, "You don't have to take your vitamins," I open my mouth to speak but a spoon with those nasty vitamins is shoved in my mouth, she makes sure the vitamins down my throat by tilting the spoon up, she pulls the spoon out of my mouth and I swallow, then I start gagging, "GROSS!" I shriek, I cough trying to get that nasty taste out of my mouth.

"Ugh! It tastes like I are a whole bar of soap!" I growl being dramatic, "It's not that bad," DragonFly says, "You'll be okay, here have some Monster," Jazz says handing me his tall can of Green Monster Energy Drink, I grab it and start chugging, after drinking half of it I give it back to Jazz, "You are a life saver!" I say, if I could jump I would be, I felt full of energy I felt as if I could run around the world like the Flash.

"OH MY GOSH!" I squeal when Jazz hands me the rest of his can, I grab it and chug it, they all look at me their eyes widen, Ironhide looks lost, "Hey Jazz! Jazz! Jazz! Jazz! Jazz! JAZZ!" I scream, "What?" He asks leaning against his vehicle mode, "How! I say how are you?!" I say really fast, "Okay I guess," I giggle, "SunStreaker!" I squeal wrapping my arms around his human forms neck, he jolts, "Youaresuperadorable!! Ilikeyou!" I say super fast. (You are super adorable!! I like you!)

SunStreaker also looks lost, "Um okay," he shrugs, Sideswipe walks by his twins side also in his human form, "Aww you both look super cute, be my boyfriends!" I squeal, "NO! WHY?! NO SHE'S CRAY-CRAY!!" Jazz yelps, "Please!" I squeal, SunStreaker looks at Sideswipe, "Sorry cutie your too young," Sideswipe says with a smile, I stop and look hurt, "W...what? W...why?" I whimper, "Because," Jazz says walking up and takes me from Sideswipe, "You deserve a gentle mech not little spawns of the pits," Crosshairs says taking me from Jazz.

Crosshairs walks over to his vehicle and sets me down on the hood and leans beside me, "You like Corvettes, not a Pontiac Solstice or two Lamborghini's, Corvettes are your life, not even a Camaro!" He says glaring at Bee, who is glaring straight back.

"Awww! But Crossy~" I pout, "That's not fair," I pet his green with black tips hair, "Life isn't fair, now sweetie, you have got to learn that Corvettes are slick and beautiful," Crosshairs says, "No Lamborghini's are, they are worth over a million dollars," I say a matter-of-fact tone, "Nope," Crosshairs says moving his finger side-to-side in my face, I shake my head no, making Crosshairs smirk, "Okay, who's femme are you?" He asks, "Sideswipe and SunStreaker's!" I chirp, making Sideswipe bark out a laughter, "Nope, Crosshairs's, say it, I'm Crosshairs femme," he commands gently.

"I'm Sideswipe and SunStreaker's femme!" I chirp.

He groans and rubs his face with his hands, "Told ya Crossy, she loves me and SunStreaker, not you," Sideswipe teases, Crosshairs glares at Sideswipe, I thump him upside the head, "No making glares at Sidesy!" I snap, Crosshairs grabs me and takes me to Sideswipe, "This isn't over," Crosshairs says in a deep voice looking at Sideswipe, "Oh it's over but you don't know it yet," Sideswipe smirks setting me gently on his hood, "Yay!" I cheer, I wrap my arms around his and SunStreaker's side pulling them closer to me, "Twins," I say smiling up at them, Sideswipe returns it but SunStreaker looks down at me.

I lean up and peck SunStreaker's cheek, he looks at me, "SunStreaker?" I ask when he goes silent, he looks at me, I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my on his chest, "I'm tired," feeling the energy I had drained out, Sideswipe takes me in his arms and leans against his hood with me in his arms, "Well, where do you want to lay?" He asks, I hold my arms out for SunStreaker, "No," he grunts, I give him the puppy face, "Pwease?" I whimper pushing out my bottom lip and making it quiver, he growls to himself then takes me in his arms, he's leaning against his hood, I yawn and lay my head on his chest, "Good night Squishy," he whispers softly in my ear while I drift off to sleep not before hearing:

"We all learned a lesson today, don't give Shadow a Monster Energy Drink"

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