Chapter 50

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Wow, 50 chapters already?


Morning at 3 o'clock

Ironhide's POV

"Daddy?" Then I was being shaken.


"Wake up! Wake up! It snowed and Santa came again!" Then flopped on.

"Go back to sleep sweet spark,"

"I can't Daddy, Santa came! So wake up!" Then another shake.

"Sweet spark it's 3 in the morning go back to bed,"

"No! I want to open my presents!" Then a hand going through my hair.


"But Daddy! Please?" Shadow pleads.

"Sweetie? What are you doing up?" Chromia whispers waking up, "I want to open my presents!" Shadow whines, "Honey just- here lay with me and Daddy for a while," Chromia says lifting the blankets between us and lets Shadow crawl under the blankets, "Am I cold Daddy?" She hums teasingly when my optics widen when her cold frame cuddles up to my much warmer one.

"Yes," I grunt holding her in my arms, "Now go to sleep," I murmur against her hair, "M'kay," she whispers gently before falling into recharge.

Moments Later

"WAKEY WAKEY MOMMY AND DADDY!! It's 9 A.M.! I let you both sleep long enough!" Shadow screams before me and Chromia groan when she lays on us, well flops, "Wakey wakey! I and Sides made pancakes!" Shadow sings getting up then drags the blankets off of us, "Come on wake up!" Shadow says while I and Chromia cuddle up to one another for warmth, "Shadow go back to sleep," Chromia whines laying her helm on my chest, "Wake up Chromia and Ironhide! It's Christmas!" Sideswipe orders I could hear the smile in his tone, "Don't make me flop on ya!" Shadow says her southern accent kicking in.

So adorable!!

"Mommy!" Shadow whines "Daddy, I want to know what I got!" I and Chromia sit up, "Alright we're up," Chromia says rubbing her optics along with myself, "Yippee!!" Shadow cheers jumping with glee, "Let's go downstairs! The pancakes are probably gone because of Crosshairs!" Sideswipe says then Shadow grabs mine and Chromia's servos pulling us off the bed, "I love you Ironhide," Chromia whispers kissing me softly, "Gross!" Shadow yelps when I and Chromia kiss in front of her, "Nasty! Mommy, Daddy has Daddy coodies!" Shadow whines, "Then come here I'll give you a lot of kisses!" I say then grab for my sparkling making Shadow squeal and jump running away, "Don't worry Shadow when Daddy catches you he's going to kiss you all over your cheek!" Chromia calls after our running sparkling, "No! Help me, Siders!" Shadow yelps while I chase her, I stop and chuckle making Shadow stick her glossa out at me and then run downstairs.

I felt arms around my chassis, "Let's go back to bed," Chromia whispers making me pick her up bridal style making Chromia scream with a laugh "Ironhide I swear to Primus if you drop me you're in big trouble!" Chromia promises and makes me smirk while I walked down the stairs.

I hear all of them giggling or grunting, "Sides no! I don't want you to hug me! Daddy!" Shadow calls "Nope kisses before pancakes!" Sideswipe says I could hear his cheeky smile, "I would rather kiss that pancake than you!" "Fine then," I hear bursts of laughter, I walk into the dining room only to snort with amusement while Shadow has a pancake stuck on her cheek, she's sitting there giggling, "That was mean!" She says making amusement flow through mine and Chromia's bond making my spark thrum in pain when it sees Shadow isn't apart of our bond. I can only wince and act as nothing happened.

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