Chapter 7

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Shadow's POV

I was awaken when I heard a big loud BOOM of thunder, I shot up from bed breathing softy but heavily, I looked around the room, but I didn't see Hide...

Where is he?

And then I was pulled down towards the bed and my face buried in a hard as rock chest, arms wrapped around me protectively, and a hand on the back of my head, whoever had me pulled close to their chest was pretty freakin warm!

It was like a warm bath!

You know those warm baths that makes you want to fall asle-

I was taken away from my thought when I heard a loud snore from behind me, I slightly turn my head and I see Hide (Still in his human form) sleeping.

He tightened his grip around me, I turned to where I was on my side facing him, his strong jaw clenched shut but would slightly open at times, just watching him sleep made me want to sleep!

I felt my eyes drop slightly and then let sleep take over my world.

The Next Day

Shadow's POV

When I woke up I was laying on my stomach on the... WAIT THE FLOOR!

I sat up and saw Hide on the bed, sleeping on his stomach laying in MY spot where I was, I sighed softly, his black hair was in a mess, and then Hide sat up and got off of the bed on the other side of the bed, he walked to the front of the bed and then over to me.

I had just noticed his eyes are closed...

He bent down and picked me up and put me back on the bed, and then he walked back over to his side and plopped back on his side, and then climbed over to my side, and wrapped me in blankets like I was some kind of burrito!

And then he wrapped me in his arms, and continued to sleep, he held me close to him protectively, "Hide" I managed to get out breathless, his grip was really tight, he snored softly but loud!

Hide turned to his other side while I was still wrapped in his tight embrace, and then there was a knock on the door.

Hide shot up with me still in his arms, he groggily looked at the door, "Yes?" He asked groggily, "Sorry to wake you but we need to get going" I heard Tammy say from the other side of the door.

"No you didn't wake me I've been up all night" Hide said still groggily.

Liar! Stop lying! I just now noticed Hide is a terrible liar...

"I'll give you and Shadow 30 minutes to get ready," Tammy said, and then I heard her walk away.

Hide fell back in the bed, he turned to his side and looked down at me, "What are you doin?" He asked.

"Did you know you snored, oh and sleep walk?" I asked.

"I do not!" He argues.

"Do too!" I argue.

"Do not!" He huffs and grumbles to himself softly.

"Do too!" I say,

"Do not!" Hide says.

"Do not!" I say hoping my plan works.

"Do too!" He says and then shuts up when he realized what he said.

"Do too!" I say satisfied with my plan and how successful it was.

Hide smacks me upside the head gently.

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