Chapter 35

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Shadow's POV

Chromia looked at me, "Adoption papers? Why did your-" she says but stops, "She want us to have you," she says slowly looking at me, my cheek sort of hurt from where the hooker slapped me because I told her I wish she was really dead, she didn't change one bit, she still wasn't afraid to hit me, if Ironhide or SunStreaker was in there that dumb stupid woman would be dead.

"Can we leave?" I whimper.

Chromia hands Tom and Terry the papers, I look at her and Ironhide, "Shadow, we want to have a better life, we can't give that to you because of the war...we don't want to loose you to some Decepticon," Chromia says, my heart drops.....

They said they didn't want me.............

I got to open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, Ironhide kneels down, "K-kid," he says holding back the tears, "I-I don't want this e-either, but it has to be done," my breathing gets heavier.

Sideswipe is the first to explode-

"WHAT?! NO I WILL NOT LEAVE HER HERE!! WHAT ABOUT THE DECEPTICONS OR DID WE HAVE A DUMB MOMENT!?!" Sideswipe yells, he is breathing heavily a mad look on his face, his blue eyes filled with rage, "Sideswipe, it is true.." SunStreaker says trailing, I look at SunStreaker, "I trusted you," I whisper, "All of you," I turn and run into the woods.

Why?! First my mother then.... You know what! I don't need them! I'll live alone!

I ran through the forest, tears streaming down my face, then I trip, I yelp and fall face first on something soft, not grass, not dirt, I look up and see something I haven't seen in what seems like forever, "My Razor!" I cheer, I pull the weeds off of the vehicle, my heart is still filled with hurt, but with my Razor I'll get farther then hobbling.

I use my other foot to work the pedals, then it hits me, I left it near the barn...the same barn where Ironhide rolled through... I shake it off and start my Polaris Razor, the engine roars to life, I press the gas while it was still in park, luckily it has a full tank of gas!

I giggle and back up, I turn the opposite way I ran, I turn the radio on blaring Skillet "Hero" was on, so I blare that song, I sing along, I loved going for drives and listen to music to get my mind cleared, I drive to a secured place, Tom and Terry lived four miles from our house, we lived a mile away from a closed nature trail, but me and Devin would drive down the trial when he wasn't mad, which was not very often, I drive to a cliff where the trail lead.

I kill the engine and look out over the cliff, I climb out of the Razor, and lean against it.

I got bored and started to sing Cold by Five Finger Death Punch:

I'm gazing upward, a world I can't embrace

There's only thorns and splinters, venom in my veins

It's okay to cry out, when it's driving you insane

But somehow someday, I'll have to face the pain

It's all gone cold

But no one wants the blame

It's all so wrong

But who am I, who am I to say?

I'm begging for forgiveness, everything I've done

If God is listening, He knows I'm not the only one

It's okay to lash out from the rules that I'm enslaved

But somehow someday, I'll have to turn the page

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