Chapter 60

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Dear beautiful readers and viewers. This book is coming to an end.


Let me repeat that.


Let that sink in....... I know some will be crying and some will be excited for the sequel. I'm afraid to end this book. I feel like if I end it and start the sequel, I won't have as many votes as I did on this story. But I'm going in with anxiety and confidence!

With that being said please enjoy this last chapter of this book.

Sorry for mistakes and the wait! Enjoy! *hides in secret bunker and throws chapter out into war zone of fans*

Disclaimer: Transformers belong to Hasbro! The picture goes to the original owner!
The Next Day

Shadow's POV

I woke up with Sunny's arms around my upper back holding me close, I heard Sides snoring from behind me, their bodies laid up against mine keeping me extra warm, the bond with Daddy was closed for some weird reason, I felt alone.

I sit up while Sunny also sits up, he yawns stretching his limbs, "Sunny what's wrong with Daddy? He's blocking me out," I whimper, "I don't know," Sunny says before his face scrunches up and looks like he's having a conversation, "Chromia says he's also blocking her out,"

I whimper lowly making Sunny curl his arms around me for comfort.

Moments Later

I grumble when Crosshairs patted my head while I was in my Cybertronian size, Ratchet was to normal size instead of baby size and was talkative to DragonFly as ever, who was happy to have him with her, I was happy to have that grumpy butt out of my head, Bee was talking with Sides while everyone else was outside talking or sparring in their Cybertronian forms, I see Daddy standing at the edge of the woods before I knew it I was running over to him.

Ironhide's POV

I look out at the woods then slightly shoved forward when I feel arms wrap tightly around my legs while a faceplate were buried in my lower back strut, "Daddy!" Shadow chirps looking up at me while I stared down at her, my spark clenching painfully knowing I was going to regret this decision. But I knew everyone would watch her. I knew she was never going to forgive me. Never.

"Hey sweetie," I say softly with a sad smile taking in her much happier one, like it would be the last time I was going to see it.

Setting a servo on her helm and smile while I combed it. She hopped into my arms and nuzzles in my chassis while I held her close. My spark squeezes in pain at her giggles, while she nuzzled me.

"Shadow, Sweet spark," my vocals full of hurt, "Sire loves you so much,"

"I love you too Daddy!" Shadow chirps.

Daddy hit my spark like a knife. . .

I wanted to leak my coolant and wrap my arms around her and leak and leak and leak and leak until I had nothing left to leak.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" She asks softly laying her forehelm on mine while her small servos and digits held my cheek plates to keep my optics locked in hers, "Nothing is wrong," I grunt in a whisper, lying to her adorable and precious faceplates, my spark clenched more not liking that I had just lied to her faceplates.

Stop lying now!!!! My spark screamed in pain.

It's for the best My processors argue with my spark.

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