Chapter 13

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Shadow's POV

I was wakened by Optimus saying:

Calling all Autobots! Calling all Autobots!

He said it through COM.

I groan wanting more sleep, Ironhide lifted the passenger seat that I am currently sitting in or was sleeping in.

"Good morning! Do you usually sleep until 2 in the afternoon?" Hide questions.

"No!" I say.

I watch as a white Western Star semi passes by, Optimus scans, I gasp in surprise while Optimus's vehicle goes from crappy to nice and shiny.

"Aww SWEET!" I cheer in excitement.

I hear Ironhide chuckle softly.

I watch as his paint goes from scrappy to blue and red flames!

"So majestic!" I say.

Ironhide chuckles and keeps driving, and then I see a bunch of different blurry figures, they kind of look like cars...

After awhile of driving we make it to this weird desert place, I see a fat robot running on top of a rock mountain, firing his guns like an idiot screaming:

Yeah! Hell, yeah! He's back! He's alive! Optimus is here!

I scoff, Ironhide chuckles, "Don't worry that's just Hound... But when we stop and I transform get behind me, understood?" Ironhide informs/order softly.

I nod with a smile on my lips.

Ironhide huffs in understanding.

We drive down a long dirt road for awhile, and then I see a Samurai robot with one huge sword in his hand.

I watch as he flips and falls down, "Don't know who that is... But we'll find out" Ironhide says with curiosity.

I whoa when the robot transforms into a helicopter.

We continue to follow Optimus, but after awhile Optimus stops, a robot with a green cape is following or running after him, Optimus stops and Ironhide stops behind him.

"Yeah, Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back." The green bot says, "I knew you'd make it. I never doubted you"

The helicopter bot flies over to us, and then transforms with a roll to his feet, "We've got your warning, we've been waiting" the blue and black bot says with a punch on the green ones arm.

I see the big fat bot standing on a rock, "Hell, yeah. Boom time. We've got the gang back together." He says.

Then I see a mostly black and yellow car transform, I watch as it goes from car to a CUTE ADORABLE robot... He kind of looks like a bumblebee.

That would be really hilarious if his name was bumblebee!

Then the passenger side and driver side door opens on Optimus's truck, Cade, steps out of the driver side, and then Shane steps out on the passenger side, Tessa follows Shane.

Ironhide opens the door for me, and then unbuckles my seat belt, I quietly step out, the adorable robot makes his way over to the group.

Then Optimus starts to transform Ironhide starts after him.

Ironhide gets to his robot mode faster than Optimus, I walk calmly behind Ironhide's foot, like he told me too.

When I was behind Ironhide's foot Optimus was done transforming.

"Humans have asked us to play by their rules... Well the rules have just changed." Optimus says.

I watch as the fat bot starts to throw his guns to the ground, "Human beings, bunch of backstabbin' weasels" He says.

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