Chapter 57

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A/N: Guys I saw Transformers The Last Knight 5 days ago and let me say:


Plz comment if you want another "There's An Autobot In My Barn" book taking place during the Transformers The Last Knight movie!

Then if you do plz comment what you think the next book should be named! If you want to help me with the cover then comment "I want to help with the cover!"

Sorry for mistakes! Enjoy! :)
The Next Day

Shadow's POV

When I woke up Sunny was curled up to me, his arms wrapped around me tightly but gently it was like I was a teddy bear to him. I nuzzle into his chest and try to go back to sleep but doesn't work.

I climb out of Sunny's arms and bed quietly and gently trying not to wake him up, I walk over to the door turning my head and smile seeing Sunny laying in my spot cuddling the pillow I slept with. I chuckle lightly and ran down stairs to see Tessa in the kitchen making pancakes, "Heya Tess!" I chirp, "Hello Shadow!" She greets while she sets a done pancake on a plate and gets started on another while Cade made bacon.

I smile and help make bacon while Cade made eggs and helped me stir the bacon. Soon breakfast was done, I took a plate up to Sunny, who was probably still sleeping. I knock on the door when I don't get a response I walk in, I smile seeing Sunny still sleeping sprawled out all over the bed, his tank top was loosely hung on his shoulders, his blond hair was bed hair, his face looked peaceful while he slept. Weirdly he looked like a little kitten sleeping!! SUNNY IS SO ADORABLE!!!

I chuckle and squeal in my mind.

"Sunny~" I sing walking in, "What?" He grumbles laying on his stomach, "I brought food but first a Knock Knock joke!" I chirp.

"Knock knock," I say.

"Who's there?" Sunny grumbles.

"Olive," I say.

"Olive who?" Sunny grumbles.

"Olive you," I say with a nervous smile hoping he'd get the joke.

"I love you too Squishy," he says I could hear his smile in his tone.

He sits up in bed making me put the plate in his lap, "I even brought ya orange juice! I can get you some-" I say but stop myself and smirk, "Sunny D~" I tease making Sunny frown before his eyes widen, "That was taken the wrong way!" He groans covering his face in his hands, "What? How?" I ask, "Nothing you're WAY too young!" He says.

I giggle before sitting down with him while he ate, "Sunny?" I ask when he stops eating, "What's wrong?" I ask worried about him, "I'm full," He shrugs I glare at him, "You ate three bites of eggs! You're not gonna starve!" I say before grabbing the fork and opening his mouth and scooping up some eggs before putting the fork in his mouth, "Eat!" I plead I give him the puppy dog eyes that he couldn't resist. He finally gives up and eats more, "Okay maybe I was hungry," he says to me with a mouthful of eggs. Sunny did look adorable with his cheeks stuffed with eggs. He looked like a squirrel with nuts in its mouth. SO CUTE!!

He let me feed him for a little while before he took over, I kissed his cheek and hugged him before grabbing my bag and retreating to the bathroom, "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be out in a little!" I chirp, "Alright!" Sunny calls, I giggle before skipping into the bathroom, I take out some clothes I'm gonna wear today and peel off the dirty clothes I have on before stepping into the shower.

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