Chapter 58

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A/N: FINALLY found a picture of Chromia's holoform!! She is so pretty!!!!

Sorry for mistakes! Enjoy! :) ;-;
Shadow's POV

I couldn't believe the Cons were coming for me, I was really freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I looked pretty normal. "Shadow," Sunny whispers shaking my shoulders with both his hands, "I'm not going to let them get you," he whispers pulling me into his chest securely, "I didn't let Devin get you. . . I am not gonna let those fragging Cons get you," Sunny stroked my hair, "Do you want to know why I won't let them get you?" He asks making me nod, "Because you're my squishy," he whispers gently, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry.

Sunny whispered soothing words while I felt the bond I had with Daddy get stronger the closer he got. Sunny held me in his lap while stroking my hair soothingly promising the Cons won't get me and that he wouldn't let them.

Soon Daddy and Mommy burst through the door, Daddy has a worried look on his face while Mommy is looking at me also worried. "Sweet spark," Daddy breathes running over to me taking me in his arms while kneeling, "It's okay Daddy's got you," he whispers stroking my hair sending me wave after wave of love and reassurance.

Mommy was by his side stroking and kissing my head, "We will protect you," they both promise in a whisper.

Moments Later

We all jumped hearing cops sirens, "Barricade!" Prowl snarls making me look up at him while a frown was settled on his face while his fists were clenched.

"Don't worry cutie," Sideswipe starts, "We'll protect you no matter what," Dad finishes making me smile so brightly my cheeks turned a bright red. I watched as Barricade and a few other new Cons transformed, "We'll take the femme," Barricade snarls making SunStreaker snort with amusement, "Over my dead frame!" Dad snarls charging up his cannons which are SO BOSS!!!!

"So be it!" Barricade snarls.

SunStreaker chuckles when a mech runs up to him, "Hey Squishy!" Sunny calls, "Watch this!" I watch, Sunny dodges the mech that was running for him swiftly grabbing the Con by the ped before launching him away, I giggle and cheer SunStreaker on making him smirk, I could almost see a 'Confidence Boost' in his optics and the way his chassis puffed out.

'Shadow! Dodge!' Ratchet growls making me jump to the side away from the Con, Daddy came up and drop kicked that Con away since it was small, it was as tall as Cade. "See ya later!" He calls waving making me giggle, "Go daddy!" I cheer, "Aww so cute!" Barricade snarls walking up, "Like I said Barricade over my dead frame!" Daddy snarls grabbing Barricade by the throat throwing him up then crashing him down to the ground.

"GET THE FEMME YOU IDIOTS!!" Barricade snarls, I glare at him.

'Would ya mind toning your voice down?' Ratchet growls making me giggle.

Sunny and Sides were both in a battle with a Con two times their size. Bee was helping Daddy with Barricade. Jazz was helping Prowl with a Con. Arcee, Mommy and DragonFly all started helping Sides and Sunny take down the Con. I couldn't believe my family was willing to do all of this for me, my spark swelled up with so much love and happiness. They were my family. Only mine.

I felt a hand grab me from behind making me yelp and scream, "Calm down!" Hound growls. . . . . . . . He saved me? Why?!

"Listen kid," he starts, "I know you're shocked! But right now it's boom time and I don't need two pissed Terror Twins, Jazz, Bee, Crosshairs and your parents, all to kill me if you got hurt, so welcome to Airfreight Hound, please sit back and relax," Hound finishes setting me on his shoulder and pulling out his machine gun!!!! SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!

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