Chapter 14

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Shadow's POV

I was awaken by Ironhide transforming, I whined in annoyance, I somehow ended up in Ironhide's hand, "Come on we're moving" Ironhide says.

Ironhide then transformed back into his vehicle mode and then opened the passenger door for me.

I climbed in and we followed the others.

Soon we found ourselves driving on the highway, Bumblebee passed Ironhide, but Ironhide passed him back and then drove behind Optimus.

"I want to play bumper cars" I say.

"No!" Ironhide said.

I blew a raspberry at him.

Then finally after awhile of driving we were in Chicago.

"There's a full-on manhunt out of us, so we have some new rules. Anyone who has got a badge is not our friend, we're gonna divide and conquer, you three are in charge of stealing food and the essentials. And nothing else" Cade explains to all of us.

My Mother would kill me if she found out I was stealing!

I smile dangerously, "Bring it on!" I say.

Cade nods at me.

"Chicago KSI headquarters is like a fortress. I'm gonna find a way into their top-secret military wing. Find something to blackmail this company and government. We're gonna get our freedom back" Cade says.

"Move out!" Optimus orders.

We all go separate directions, Bee and Ironhide head towards the store and others go off somewhere else, I reach in the back and start emptying out my duffle bag.

I grab my now empty duffle bag, Ironhide pulls up into a store parking lot with Bee beside him, he activates his human form.

"You're not going in there alone! I'm coming with you!" He orders.

"But... But... Fine!" I stutter/say.

We both get out of his vehicle, my duffle bag folded up, and in the side of Ironhide's leather jacket to hide it.

I watch as Shane and Tessa climb out of Bee, I hear Bee ask Ironhide something but I didn't catch it.

"It's my Holoform! I managed to keep it in tact!" Ironhide growls, "And I'm not letting Shadow go in there alone and get captured!"

"Calm down man" I hear Bee say.

I chuckle and then wave good-bye to Bee, while we enter the store.

The cold AC hits my warm skin, I shiver softly then shake it off.

I then start humming 'Shake it Off by Taylor Swift'

Stupid song!!

I stop humming and get my 'Bring it on' face on.

We get to a place then the stealing starts...

After they stole A LOT of things

We all out of the store happily, I feel my adrenaline pumping, that was more fun then that one time I slid down the stairs on my mattress!

We find an old church building, "Here we are" Hide says, while he drives in front of it.

Once we get inside, I see Drift and Bee, "Hey, I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So, sweetie, you can get some long pants, nice, loose-fitting ones, and lose the short shorts, okay? What'd you guys get?" Cade says/asks.

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