Chapter 22

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Shadow's POV

"Let's give Bumblebee the good new. We got a ship now. We're leaving." Crosshairs says when Bee pulls up, my heart stops, my heart screams in utter pain, I fall down on my bottom, "No," I murmur, Sideswipe, Jazz, SunStreaker and Ironhide all hear and see me, I sit there on a pile of coal and watch Cade, Shane and Tessa all scramble out of Bee.

"You humans. After all we have done." Optimus starts sounding drained, "You don't know what you've wrought upon yourselves," Optimus finishes pointing at Cade, who is on top of the same pile of coal I am on, "What? What is it now? What are you talking about?" Cade asks completely confused, "I mean, in doing stuff way out of my league here!" He argues with Optimus.

"You don't see who's controlling who. Within that manmade prototype I fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron," Optimus says, Megatron, one of the Decepticons that started the Chicago war, "What, the Decepticon that started the Chicago war?" Cade asks, "Well duh!" I growl not really liking I might loose Ironhide if he chooses to leave.

"How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place?" I hear Brains say, I look around for him and see him on top of something, "They had a whole mess of dead Decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds! And I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, no nothing. They hooked me up to Megatron, and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the science and specs! All so they could build him a brand-new body." Brains says, "Then he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosomes. They had red, beady eyes. They all got in my lovely locks. I can smell it right now. Total inside custom job!" He continues, he slides down the metal pole where he was, "KSI might have named the body a snappy name of Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!" He finishes.

"You knew this and you didn't warn them?" Tessa cuts in, "Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you on death row," Brains says taking his thumb and acting like he was cutting his neck, "He's been playing KSI all this time, all so that he could manipulate them into going after the Seed," Brains says, "Wait. The Seed?" I ask, "Those nasty soldiers that were chasing us. I saw them board the ship, and they took something that they called The Seed." Tessa says.

"Listen. Sixty million years ago, give or take an eon..." Ironhide says but trials letting Optimus finish, "Thousands of planets were cyber-formed with Seeds. They turned your organic life into our elemental metals. Our creators destroyed your world to make us." Optimus says.

"And that's what Galvatron wants to happen again. He wants to detonate that Seed in the biggest city and kill millions! He's gonna show the world, "Baby, I'm back."" Brains says, I chuckle at what he said about the whole Baby I'm back.

"The blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal. He'll have enough to build a massive army, and annihilate your species forever." Optimus states.

"You dumb, greedy bastards just brought extinction to yourself. Not my problem, though. I'm free at last. Whole thing worked out good for me. I'm walking." Brains says limping away.

"We got to get that Seed before Galvatron does." Cade says.

I watched as Cade and the others broke into a train museum, I felt safer with the Autobots, I mean you never know when they will leave you in the middle of the night. Ironhide was already in his vehicle form and I am laying in the backseats, he's been quiet ever since, "You can go," I mumble, "Go where?" He asks, "With your team, I mean if I had friends like that I would go anywhere with them... But I don't..." I say trailing, "Why would I leave you Shadow?" He asks, I shrug, "I don't know," I mumble, the backseats start to warm up to stop the goosebumps from the cold to produce, "I wouldn't leave my little Sweet Spark if I tried, I already claim you as my own, which doesn't really happen," Hide says speaking softly for me.

"I just want the best for you, I mean you are my one and only friend," I say softly, "I know, but I don't want to leave you, I know my team needs me, but I know for a fact you need me more, and I am pretty sure Optimus and the others would understand my decision, especially Optimus," Ironhide says.

Moments later

After taking a little nap, Ironhide handed me to Sideswipe, since the said bot wouldn't leave him alone, so Sideswipe has me on his shoulder I'm aril a little tired, and Sideswipe's warmth that was coming off of his neck cables were no help, on me trying to stay awake, "Joshua Joyce is headed to his factory in Guangzhou, China." Drift informs.

"Hey, big shot," I hear and see Cade on the phone, "Your company's in serious trouble." Cade says then is quiet for a few moments, Joshua is probably speaking, "Really? Well, you better have a great one 'cause you're about to be responsible for the annihilation of a city. Now, you listen to me. Your tech has been hacked. Your prototypes are infected. And now Galvatron is after that Seed. Look. I know you have a conscience because your an inventor, like me. Do not let Galvatron anywhere near that Seed." Cade tells Joshua, "Deep down, I know you know. Your prototype's been controlling you." Cade says before Cade says he hung up.

"He knows," Sideswipe grumbles, "No scrap," SunStreaker growls, "How fast can that thing get us halfway around the world?" Cade asks looking at Ironhide and Drift, "Very," Drift starts looking at one of his swords. "It's a spaceship." Ironhide finishes messing with his arm cannon. I gasp seeing a helicopter flying around us.

"Protect squishy," SunStreaker growls in a low tone to Sideswipe, I see cop cars coming around the tree line, that is across a yellow field, their sirens blaring ruining the peaceful day, I watch as Cade and Shane run off, I look at Sides and SunStreaker, along with Jazz.

Soon Cade, Shane and Tessa come out of the trees, Tessa walks up the ramp that leads inside of the ship, "Move! We're retrieving the Seed, but then we're done defending the humans." Optimus says, "What, done? What do you mean, you're done?" Cade asks walking up the ramp after Bee who is walking after Tessa, "Means "finished," see ya," good-bye,"" Crosshairs says ever-so-smartly.

Once we all are on the ship it takes off.

"You ready?" Sideswipe asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be,"

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