Chapter 20

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Shadow's POV

When I woke up I saw Tessa, she was breathing heavily, her makeup ruined, she was dirty and sweaty, "Take those humans to the trash!" The gray bot orders, then the car is being dragged the opposite direction of Optimus, "Prime!" I call sobbing, "Come on!" Tessa says pulling me to the front of the care which is on it's side.

After awhile of being dragged the car comes to a stop, then tipped back on it's wheels, Tessa opens the door, "Gross!" I shriek seeing a little bot, it has red eyes an a weird looking face, then it shrieks at us, me and Tessa start kicking it, then Tessa finds a crowbar.

And starts hitting the bots with it, "Are you serious?!" I shout kicking the robot, "What?!" She growls hitting the bot with it, "You could have broke the glass with that you blond!" I sneer, "You know what?" She says when we both have the bots distracted, we run for it. "You can go on your own!" She snaps running off in one direction, I growl at her and run off the other.

Soon after a long time of walking I hear voices, "Hey Sunny? Jazz? Do you think we'll ever get out of here alive?" I hear a robot question. "Don't call me that! And no! It's Lockdown! Don't be stupid!" I hear another snarl, "We might get out if you two would stop BITCHING!" I hear a gangster sounding voice snap.

The other two become quiet, I follow the voices that leads me to cages, well cells, I see a cherry red robot in a cell, he has wheels for feet, a cheeky smile can be found on his face, he has blue eyes like Hide. "LOOK! We're saved!" The red bot points at me cheering, "Oh great a flesh bag!" The yellow one with fins growls disgust is clear in his voice.

"Shut the FUCK UP!! That human is our only way out!" The silver one with blue shades over his eyes snaps. "Hello," he says smiling, "Hey," I whisper, "What's your name cutie?" The red one asks, "S-Shadow," I stutter, "Aww, that's so cute!" The red one coos.

"She's adorable! I want to keep her!" The one with blue shades coos, "I want to pinch her cheeks!!!" The red one squeals, "Umm.." I say trailing, "Sorry, we haven't had company in awhile, if you haven't seen," the one with shades says. The red one smiles, I look at the yellow one with fins growls at me. I smile at him, he is a pretty handsome, for a robot, I'm not saying I have a crush on him, he's just pretty. His yellow paint scratched and dented, his blue eyes filled with disgust while he looks at me.

"So how did a cutie like you get on a pit spawned ship like this?" The red one asks sending me a wink, "Stop flirting with her!" The one with Shades snaps, "Just trying to be friendly!" He snaps at the blue shades one, "Okay, calm down," I sooth, the three bots look at me.

"What are your guys names for starters?" I ask politely.

"I'm Sideswipe, that's Sunstreaker, my twin, and that is Jazz!" The red one or Sideswipe says pointing to the yellow then the silver one. "Oh that's nice, so I overheard your conversation about getting out?" I ask. "Listen, we were doing fine on our own!" SunStreaker growls at me.

"Listen, all I want to do is help," I say hurt, "SunStreaker! Shut up! You're blowing our chances!" Jazz snaps, "Id rather die than have a flesh-bag, help me," he sneers, "These things are under me" he says like he was the Alfa species of this planet. I become cold, "Listen!" I snap, catching his attention, "All I want to do is help you and get off of this ship and back to Ironhide! And I can't do that with you being a jerk!" I snap.

"You know Ironhide?" He asks, I nod, "I trust this human, if Ironhide trusts her, then I do. We all know how hard it is to get Ironhide to trust you," he growls, "Okay so please help us!" Jazz pleads, "Only if you help me find Optimus and get to Ironhide," I say, "We promise!" They all reply in sync, "Now hurry Lockdown will be back!" Jazz ushers.

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