Chapter 8

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Shadow's POV

Hide and I are on our own now, Hide is driving along the road without his Holoform, he's been quiet ever since he's made that promise.

He acted tough but when you got to his core he was soft.

I smiled at the thought of me being 16 and Hide being like a father to me, telling me to do my homework and chores, us shooting weapons together as a father and daughter would.

I frowned at the thought, Hide wouldn't want a weird dirty-minded child! He wants something perfect! That's what I'm gonna be!


Ironhide's POV

Shadow was really quiet this whole time, I scanned her without her knowing, her levels are fine her heart rate is normal, she seems fine but looks a little... Off...

She sits up straight in her seat, she didn't slouch, and then she set her small servos in her lap, she stared straight forward, she moved her hair out of her face and put it behind her ear, and then quickly put her hands back in her lap.

This isn't weird at all...

I continued to drive, I could tell she was having a hard time trying not to fidget, she would squirm slightly but stop.

6 year old human femmes can't keep still, but I understood she's young full of energy, like I was when I was a small Sparkling.

I then was taken away from driving when I heard a small growl of Shadow's stomach, she quickly wrapped her arms around her stomach to keep it quiet, but it kept growling, she smiles at the radio and kept a tight hold on her stomach.

"I was planning to make a stop anyways" I said, she smiled, "No it's okay I'll try to keep it quiet!" She exclaims, "No, my decision is already made we're stopping" I say, "But Hide-" she says but I cut her off, "No ifs not buts no coconuts!" I snap.

She looks a little... Hurt

I quickly activate my Holoform and I lift the arm rest and I wrap her in a tight hug, "I'm sorry" I mumble, "Don't apologize" She mumbles, "No! I've got too!" I say, "No you don't! I do! I'm a stubborn child!" She snaps.

"Just like me" I say, "When I was young" she smiles softly and accepts my hug, I hug her tightly.

If anybody hurts her

They better watch out

Cause I'll be out for their... Blood

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