Chapter 32

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"Welcome to Texas"

Shadow's POV

I was nervous..

We were in Texas...

What would my mom think?

What would she look like?

Is she the same or different?

Does she have another family?

Did she forget me?

My stomach was full of butterflies, Chromia and Ironhide are silent...this whole ride has been silent...

"Shadow? You okay?" Ironhide asks.

I look up and see I'm pale in the rear view mirror, my small face whiter than snow, I shrug off the pale face, "Honey, don't be afraid," Chromia says in a motherly tone appearing in the backseats, she wraps me in her arms and gives me a motherly hug, it's full of love, secure, and comfort, I accept her hug, hugging her back tightly, my heart racing with love and happiness from Chromia's hug, I look up at her, she is smiling down at me, I open my mouth, almost calling her mom, but I catch myself then speak:

"Chromia, what if she doesn't want me? Will you and Ironhide take me?"

I could feel Ironhide tense but continues driving, Chromia smiles, "We all would take you in a spark beat, heck we would even be your new family, I would be your carrier, Ironhide would be your sire," Chromia says then stops, she looks at me, then it hit me, I remember SunStreaker he asked me about my mother, when he said Carrier then he said in your language it means 'Mom'....

Chromia would CLAIM ME!!! If my mom didn't want me!! That's so cool!

I squealed inside of my head, I hug Chromia tighter, she is surprised by my hug, "Okay, where do I need to go?" I hear Ironhide ask, I look up and see he's on the phone, Joshua must have bought-

SUCKER had a phone and didn't let me play on it?! -Wait MY IPOD!

I gasp remembering it, I grab my bag from the floor with Chromia's help, I open my bag then gasp seeing my iPod still ALIVE!

"My iPod!" I squeal pulling the small device out.

Chromia looks at me and my baby confused, she goes to take it but I hiss at her, "Shadow? What is that?" Ironhide asks still driving but looking at me through the rear view mirror, "My iPod!" I cheer putting my iPod in the air.

Moments Later

It is going to take us 7 hours to get to Tom and Terry's house, my iPod is playing my music, I found a pair of Lamborghini Logo Beats headphones:

It is going to take us 7 hours to get to Tom and Terry's house, my iPod is playing my music, I found a pair of Lamborghini Logo Beats headphones:

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