Chapter 38

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The Next Day

Shadow's POV

I screamed while I was being grabbed, "You are a disgusting human I must say~" the robot holding me sneered, "Your very disgusting yourself creep!" I sneer, "Ouch that hurt cutie," he pouts, "Awww did I hurt your feelings~" I hum devilishly, "Yes and for that I shall give you to Jazz! He will take care of that pretty little mouth of yours!" The bot known as Sideswipe sneered, we are playing in the huge backyard that Tom and Terry have behind their house, "I can't believe I'm doing this, but here it goes," I hear Sunny mumble, "Unhand her you overgrown toaster!" My hero calls, "If it isn't Sir SunStreaker the King and Queen's knight? Here for this?" Sideswipe hums holding me up, "Princess Shadow? How about we show SunStreaker what we do~ Jazz, Crosshairs, get the torture device!" Sideswipe orders.

Sunny rolls his eyes, "Just give me the prince and I won't shove my ped in your aft!" Sunny sneers, "So mean, Sideswipe give him the prince!" Crosshairs orders, "No! She's mine all mine!" He yells then runs off into the woods, "Oh help Sir SunStreaker!" I plead, I see Sunny on Sideswipe's tail, SunStreaker trips Sideswipe, making Sides let go of me and I fly in the air, I clench my jaw waiting for me to hit the ground but I don't.

"Oh, prince SunStreaker! You have defeated the villain! You will have a great gift when we get to my homeland," I chirp, Sunny rolls his blue eyes and walks out if the woods dragging our villain by the foot, "I shall rise again! You won't stop me Sir SunStreaker! I swear to it!" Sideswipe yells smiling shaking his fist at Sunny, "Shut your trap, you idiot!" Sunny orders, "Okay," Sideswipe says quickly smiling and laid back while he was being dragged.

Sunny set me on his shoulder and got a better grip on Sideswipe's foot, I look back at Sideswipe, who winked at me with a cheeky smile, I smile and try my best to wink back, but I never learned how to wink, Sideswipe's eyes filled with amusement while I attempted to wink, he chuckles when I gave up after a few minutes of trying.

I look at my hero, his blue eyes are focused on the house we were almost close to, his lips are scared, his cheeks have old faded battle scars which weren't very long, Sunny looks at me, "What?" He grunts, "Oh nothing, what are we gonna do with Sides?" I whisper, Sunny looks at me devilishly, "Oh dear, I've got a bad feeling about that look," I whisper to him, "Oh you should," he says a little smirk appears before it leaves.

I have always wondered why Sunny was the "mean" twin and Sides is the happy twin? I mean there has to be a time where Sunny was happy, he probably wore a smile and was chirpy and a funny guy, that would be so nice to see, but I like the Sunny he is today.

"We're here," Sunny grunts dropping Sideswipe's foot, I giggle while Sunny sets me down, he did it rather gently, I kneel to him, "Thank you Sir SunStreaker for bringing me home," I say then I stand, "What shall you do with Evil Sideswipe?" I ask curiously using a prince sounding voice, "I don't know, throw him in the pond? Scratch his paint? Who knows, maybe Crosshairs and Jazz will help," Sunny shrugs slightly, "Oh Sir SunStreaker!" I call when he walks off, Sunny turns and looks at me, "Please come inside and enjoy our finest-" I say but Terry cuts me off, "Dinner!" "FOOD?!" Jazz, Crosshairs and Sides yell, "Yes food now get in here! Shoes off!" Terry orders, Ironhide and Chromia are already inside, they signed the papers and took them to the courthouse after I signed them, now Ironhide and Chromia are my PARENTS!

I am so happy!

"Come on Squishy," Sunny grunts I see I'm still standing in the middle of the yard while the others are at the door in their human forms, "Comin?" Jazz asks, I nod and race towards the door, I do a backflip over the three little stairs and then land inside.

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