Chapter 51

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!!WARNING!!: There is slight cussing in this chapter! You will know why in no time!

Sorry for mistakes! Enjoy!
1 Month Before School Ends For Summer

1 Week before Shadow's Birthday

Shadow's POV

I walked down the aisle of the bus to get off, "See ya later Shadow!" The bus driver calls while I step off the bus, I wave good bye while he drove off, I slip on my headphones and put on my favorite song "How Did You Love by Shinedown"

"You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate~" I sing while I walked up our long driveway, I was in my favorite Wrangler jeans in 85 degree weather, I've always hated how my legs looked all the scars, I squeal seeing Daddy on GrimLocks back, "Hey Sweet spark!" Sideswipe calls from the sky, "Hey Siders!" I call waving, "Come Kiddo it's fun!" Daddy says. I giggle changing into my Autobot mode and hop on GrimLock's back.

"SHADOW!" I jump awake hearing Ms. Hershey yell my name, I look up and see our brown haired teacher standing over me, her arms crossed over her chest and a not so happy look on her face 'You were daydreaming' Ratchet informs making me sigh, "I know you want you go home but please pay attention!" She says then walks back to the front of the class, "Now students tomorrow we'll have a new student," Ms. Hershey starts, "Now I want you all to be nice and caring I her,"

I look over at the clock then sigh seeing we have 7 minutes till class ends, I look down at my doodle of Sides, I didn't know why but I was bored and wanted to drawl something. I grab my colored pencils and put the finishing touches on Sideswipe's armor, I put my picture in my drawling folder I'll give it to Sides later. (Picture above)

"Shadow! Alright stand up!" Ms. Hershey snaps when she sees me tipping my chair back, I stand to my feet after she took my chair, "For the rest of the day you'll stand," Ms. Hershey says putting my chair by her desk then goes back to teaching some random scrap.

I shrug her off leaning over my desk and start on another doodle.

Soon the bell rings making me grab all of my things and ran out of the classroom, then pushed through the dumbafts standing in the middle hall. I grab my headphones and put on the song I was listening to in my daydream, I ran towards my bus and walked to the way back.

Then I get a text from Sunny.

Forgot to tell you Mom and Dad got me a phone, Dad doesn't want any other person's phone number on their if it isn't his, mom's or any of the others, he personally will break it.

I'm here - Sunny

Here? Here for what?

What's up? - Shadow

Ironhide wanted me to come and pick you up. - Sunny

I text him okay and run off the bus, I smile seeing Sunny, "Hey baby!" I sing walking up to Sunny, who is leaning against his alt, "Hey," he grunts making me giggle and hug him which he gladly returned only hugging me a little tighter, "Get in" he grunts while he got in the driver seat after letting go of the hug, I felt nervous when kids and parents looked our way, I climb in the passenger seat and Sunny turns on his powerful engine and drives out of the school parking lot after buckling me up.

We drove down the road in silence, "So got any boyfriends?" He asks looking at the road, "Yep!" I chirp making Sunny slam on the brakes making me yelp when I lurch forward, "What?" He says low and dangerously looking my way, "I've got two boyfriends!" I brag, he gives me the "What did you say?!" look like what Momma gives me, "Yep! They're so CUTE! I'd kiss them if I was old enough!" I chirp, "Tell who these flesh-bags are!" He sneers, "Oh Sunny I didn't know you and Sides were Flesh-Bags," I say with an innocent smile, "WHAT?! Are you serious?!" He growls then hits the gas his tires peeled on the asphalt, "I know you love me!" I chirp patting the seat, "That wasn't funny," he grumbles sitting low in the seat making me giggle.

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