Chapter 24

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A/N: Hey guys! You and I are so lucky that my Cuz loves me and you. She let me borrow her movie until I'm either done with the movie or until my movie gets fixed or replaced.

Shadow's POV

I am currently leaning against SunStreaker's leg, while he sat beside me perfectly calm. "Squishy? Are you okay?" He asks with a growl but I could pick up the gentleness his voice, "Fine," I shrug.

The sun looked beautiful sinking down, soon the ship comes to a building, the end opens, me, SunStreaker, Sideswipe and Jazz all watched as Hound, Bee, Shane, Tessa and Cade all holding on to one another while Cade tries to grab Joshua well mainly the Seed.

"Joshua!" Cade shouts while the ship moves closer to the building backing up, "Hey, Baldy!" Jazz and Hound shout in sync, the ship moves closer and closer to the building, "Hey, it's me! Hey!" Joshua shouts, "Bring it over now! Let's go." Cade encourages, Sideswipe and SunStreaker, both grab for me, I yelp when Sideswipe scoops me up, "I wanted to hold Squishy!" SunStreaker growls, "Too bad!" Sideswipe says blowing a raspberry at him, and then runs off towards the front with me in his hands and SunStreaker chasing.

I feel the ship move, I yelp when Sideswipe is throw to a wall, "We're hit! We're hit!" I hear Hound shout.

No, I thought the ship was just moving to the side because it's drunk! OF COURSE WE HAVE BEEN HIT!

"Shadow!" I hear Sideswipe yelp, I look up at him, he is looking down at me worry is in his and SunStreaker's eyes, I feel something warm running down the side of my head, I bring my fingers up and touch it, wincing while I do, I see the red liquid on my fingers.. Blood... my blood...

"Squishy?! Are you okay?!" SunStreaker asks I could hear the worry in his voice. I nod slowly, "Yep!" I chirp, "I'm fine, but I'll have a headache tomorrow!" Sideswipe chuckles, I feel the ship flying out of control, the front hits trees, that were not far from the building.

I yelp when Sideswipe is throw to another wall, SunStreaker grabs me from him and cups me to his chest, I hear Ironhide calling my name while the ship drags on the trees, "Oh my god!" I scream when SunStreaker slams against the ceiling, then throw to the ground, he groaned in pain while I whimpered in fear, "SunStreaker?" I whimper, "I'm fine Squishy. What about you?" He asks, "I'm fine! Sideswipe?" I call to the cherry red bot, "Lets not do that again-" he chuckles then the ship smacks the ground making me yelp then pass out.

Moments Later

I groan and start regaining my hearing and breathing, "Kiddo? You okay?" I hear a familiar voice above me grunt, I open my eyes and see my shirt soaked in water. I look at the black bot hovering over me, "I'm fine Hide," I murmur standing with Hide's finger helping. I felt dizzy, "Oh thank Primus she's okay," Sideswipe says, "Why am I wet?" I ask ringing out my shirt, "Ironhide, poured water on you," SunStreaker grunts, I see his paint scratched up, "You okay?" I ask him gently, since he saved me from getting killed, "My paint is scratched to pit, but I will be fine," he grunts, I smile, "Thank you," I say then look at both of them, "Both of you for saving my life," Sideswipe winks at me, I blush a soft shade of red, "Cutie," Sideswipe coos poking me with his finger.

"They're in trouble." Optimus says after listening what some Autobot had to say, I ring out my hair on the green grass, "Nah! This isn't our fight! I'm done being an underdog! Underdogs suck!" Crosshairs complains, "I say they get what they deserve. What's the play, Prime?" He asks, "It's time for reinforcements." Optimus says walking towards the ship, I follow, "Wait Optimus!" I call running after him, he stops and waits, once I'm by his side he scoops me up in his hand, and continues walking into the ship.

Once inside the ship Optimus walks towards the what looks like a weapons room and walks towards a sword, he sets me down and motions for me to stand back, "Recognize one of you Knights." Then he pulls out the sword with a little bit of struggling but gets it out, "Woah! That is so cool!" I squeal, Optimus looks down at me, he scoops me up and sets me on his shoulder, "Hold on tightly," he warns gently, I nod and hold on to a piece of his metal, he runs down a hall and then with the sword he breaks open a cage looking thing. My eyes widen hearing a dinosaur roar.

Oh Heck Ya!

Optimus says something in a different language making me scrunch my brows in confusion.

"What did you say?" I ask him gently but curiously.

"The Legend Exists."
"You've got to be kidding me." Crosshairs says when me and Optimus walk out with robot dinosaurs behind us. Oh yeah I said ROBOT dinosaurs.

I can't wait to tell everyone at school what I did this summer. They are gonna be so jealous~ I smile and see Hide, Sideswipe and Jazz's eyes widen at their height.

"Legendary warriors, the powers that created us now want us all extinguished. We must join forces, or else forever be their slaves. So today you stand with us...or stand against me." Optimus says, Ironhide motions me over to him, which I run over I him, "Ironhide?" I chirp watching Optimus and the leader of the tall robots battle it out, "What?" He asks setting me gently on his shoulder, "Can I tell the kids at school about my summer?" I chirp, Ironhide chuckles making it vibrate his shoulder, "Sure, brag away," Jazz says then chuckles.

"We'll let Prime figure this one out." Crosshairs says moving past us, "Very wise," Drift says also moving past us, "There's no fraggin' way I'm staying down here with them." He says climbing up a little waterfall, "No way. No way." He finishes sitting down, "Only together can we survive!" Prime shouts climbing up the dinosaurs arm and then punches him in the face, "Let me lead you!" My mouth drops seeing a robotic T-Rex breathing out fire, "COOL!" I shout with glee, "No." Crosshairs says, "I was expecting a giant car," Drift says, "Come here!" Optimus orders, then the T-Rex runs his way. "We're giving you freedom." Optimus says then back-hand the T-Rex with his shield.

My lips pull into a smile watching the dinosaur fly through the air then slam to the ground making dirt fly into his mouth. The dinosaur stays down, Optimus walks up to the dinosaur, "You defend my family," Optimus starts, I smile at him calling his Autobots family, "Or die." He says letting the sword run up behind the dinosaurs horn, Optimus gets on the dinosaur and helps Ironhide up, which I am still on his shoulder, "Kiddo, you're going in my subspace," Ironhide says, "Awwww~" I whine, I see Sideswipe and SunStreaker climbing on the flying dinosaur, Ironhide sets me into a small warm cozy space, "Stay," he says stroking my hair once more.

Ironhide's POV

I stroke her hair once more and closed my subspace, I could hear what she said and she could hear what I think, 'Kiddo? Can you here me?' I ask mentally, 'I hear ya Hide!' She chirps with her southern accent kicking in, which is adorable, "Autobots," Optimus starts, "We're going to prove who we are and why we're here!" Optimus says putting his sword in the air while Grimlock roared.

I knew who the Dinobots were, they were big and clumsy, heard they trampled a whole city back on Cybertron, I hear Shadow giggle, 'They must be really clumsy!' She giggles, 'They are,' I confirm, I watch as Drift and Jazz jump on Slug and Crosshairs was the lone and got Slash, "Autobots, we charge together!" Optimus calls.

"Now, roll out!"
Shadow: Yeah she finally updated!

Me: *Glares at Shadow* Oh like you should be talking. I told you that my movie got messed up!

Shadow: *Scoffs* I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy taking pictures of the Dinobots so I can show my classmates what I did over my summer break!

Me: *Sighs and shakes head* Wow...

Shadow: I know right! Now hurry up and update!

Me: I am sorry about her, she is too hyped for this... I hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day/night! Bye!

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