Chapter 25

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Shadow's POV

The ride was bumpy, I felt sick to my tummy, this ride was fun but sickening, 'You okay in there kid?' Hide asks, I felt like puking but- "I'm fine..." I say queazy, I felt Ironhide jump slightly, I yelp and hold on to the wall, I kept feeling Ironhide jump, 'Hold on kiddo! Oof! We are playing jumping Dinobots for awhile,' Ironhide grunts.

I giggle then yelp when Hide jumps again.

Ironhide's POV

Grimlock slid down the side of a hill, I hear Shadow yelp in surprise at his jumping and sliding, Optimus takes his sword and hits Grimlock's back right beside me, "Faster! Go!" Optimus orders, then Optimus and I jump off of Grimlock, "Hold tight kiddo!" I warn thinking out loud, I feel her holding on to something in my subspace, Optimus takes the clone on his left throwing his sword and killing the clone, I take the one on his right, I take the clone to the ground and brutally rip out it's spark smirking as I did. I may sound cray-cray but if this clone ever touched Shadow, all pit would break loose.

I stand to my peds after killing the clone, I set his spark by his helm, Optimus and I run through the battle field for awhile before we cling to Grimlock's side and let him carry us for awhile, "I'll kill you!" Me and Optimus shouted jumping towards clones, I hear Shadow yelp in surprise, Optimus kills a clone and throws it to Grimlock, then me and Optimus jump back on Grimlock's back and continue riding through the battlefield.

"Charge!" Optimus orders pointing his sword forward while Grimlock breathed fire, me and Optimus held on while Grimlock and the other Dinobots wrecked through the small streets of China. I feel Shadow clutching to my subspace, "Ironhide?" She whimpers softly, 'I'm okay kiddo you?' I ask, "I'm okay!" She says I could hear her smile, "Attack!" Optimus orders while Grimlock breathed fire.

"You." Optimus says pointing his sword at a bald man in a tuxedo.

"Who?" The man replies.

"You!" Cade says pushing the man forward.

"Step forward." Optimus says sternly.

He's pissed...

"Wait. Why?" The man asks stepping forward.

"Your science will be responsible for humanity's extinction." Optimus growls keeping the strong baritone voice.

"All right. I know that you're sensitive to this whole bioethical dilemma." The man says holding his hands up.

"Maybe all he wants to hear you say is that some things should never be invented," Cade says sounding a little pissed at this idiots words.

Grimlock roars in his face while the man screamed like a girl-


'Sorry Sweet Spark'

Forgot about her for a little.


"We'll lead you out of the city." Optimus says while Grimlock walks off, I open my subspace and let Shadow to the ground gently, when I am off of Grimlock's back, "Get that Seed safely to the hills." Optimus finishes, "Use this car." Drift says motioning to a car.

Shadow's POV

I looked at Ironhide, he had green liquid covering his hands and chest, he looks mad but not directed towards me, I see SunStreaker and Sideswipe both walk up, "Hey Sides!" I call he looks down at me and smirks, "What's next?" He asks walking with me towards the car, "I've got to get in the car," I shrug, "Aww that sucks," he fake pouts, SunStreaker grunts in amusement, I giggle and smile up at him, then I feel dizzy, I fall on my butt from my dizziness, Sideswipe and SunStreaker both stop and turn around quickly, "Kid? You okay?" Ironhide asks looking at me, I felt like puking the dizziness making my world spin quickly, like I was spinning in circles, "Ironhide?" I murmur, his tall black figure towering over me, he was blurry like I was blind, "Kiddo?" He asks kneeling, I rub my temple when a huge wave of pain hits, I whimper in pain, Ironhide's eyes widen looking at my forehead, "Oh Primus!" He shouts when I pass out, letting darkness claim my life.


"Cutie! Stay ALIVE!"

"Squishy!! No!"

I feel my breathing and heart slow... I could see my memories flashing before my eyes.. "Join me Shadow"


Grandma died a week after Mom did. Here she was standing before me, she was by the light she was young and in a white dress, "Don't," I hear a voice say it sounds grumpy and old, I turn and see a tall robot, he is a mint green, an Autobot symbol in the middle of his chest, he looks like an ambulance, "Please don't, Ironhide needs you in his life, you have just began yours," he says a pleading emotion sparkling in his blue eyes, "Who are you?" I ask, he chuckles putting his hands on his hips.

"Little femme," he says reminding me of my grandpa, I giggle while he points his finger at me and glares at me playfully, "I am your worse nightmare if you listen to that old coot," he says glaring at my grandma, "Excuse me?! Your older than me you asshole! If I had my rolling pin I'd beat knots in your head!" Grandma argues, I giggle, the mint green Autobot looks at me, "Oh you think this is funny?" He asks I fall to my butt giggling.

The Autobot waves a huge wrench at my grandma while she waves her rolling pin, I giggle harder smiling, "You old coot!" He grunts, "You old fool!" Grammy snaps, "Old fool?! Puh-lease, your the fool!" He snaps, Grammy groans, I giggle while they argue, "I mean seriously who wants their young granddaughter to step into the light at age 6?! Not this mech!" The Autobot snaps, "Oh well I see you are right you idiot!" Grammy snaps, I look at the medical Autobots.

"She likes you," I say nudging his leg with my elbow, "I do not!" Grammy snaps, "If he was my size I'd be pounding knots in his head with a pan!" Grammy snaps, "Try me!" The Autobot challenges.

"By the way my designation is Ratchet," he says bowing.

"She's only 6 dumbass, you think she is going to know what designation means?" Grandma growls.

Ratchet grumbles to himself, I giggle, Ratchet looks at me, "Your related to that?" He asks pointing at me Grandma, I nod, "I feel so sorry for you," he whispers, "Heard that!" Grandma calls, "Shut it!" He grunts.

"Listen Shadow, I want you to live your life to the fullest, I want you to stay with Ironhide, even if he tries to push you away, he'll do that at first but then he'll warm up to you. Pit, his spark is wanting to claim you as his sparkling, even though your not from our species. Shadow, your heart and Ironhide's spark are wanting to combine and bond a creator-creation bond." Ratchet says sternly.

"What happens if they can't?" I ask.

"Nothing, I have not seen this before, but when the time comes I shall explain how to fix it," he says crossing his arms.

"Now wake up," they both say before darkness consumes me once more.

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