Chapter 9

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Dear Readers!

This chapter is dedicated to my Dad, who is now gone... He was a bull hauler, but he sadly passed away.

Thank you now for the chapter!
Shadow's POV

I and Hide are at a big truck stop, Hide pulls up over by a gas pump, I watch as his human form appears in the seat.

He looks at me with a small smile, he unbuckles my seat belt and we both get out of his truck, Hide looks at the gas pump, I chuckle, and grab the handle of the gas pump, I open the gas cap door and undo the gas cap, and I put the nozzle in, I feel Ironhide shiver.

I see his human form shiver also, I pump the gas, Hide just sits there and shivers softly, I chuckle, when it's full Hide takes my hand and pulls on it and puts the pump back in the gas pump holder.

"That was pit" Hide mumbles under his breath.

"Hide, what does pit mean?" I ask.

Like a curious little 6 year old I am, I'll repeat it.

"It means... Uh... Now, what does it mean?" Hide says stupidly, I know he knows maybe it means a bad word in his language.

I get in the back of his truck and I grab the suitcase I open it and I hear Hide gasp when we see... Money

I grab 2 fifty dollar bills, and hand them to Hide, he looks at me like I was nuts, I grab his hand I put the money in his hand, he looks down at the money.

"What the frag is this?" He asks.

"Money, big bucks, dough! Ever heard of any of those?" I ask, he shakes his head no, "It pays for gas, food, cars, and homes! It does a lot of things, but it can't buy the nice things in life" I say my mothers' side kicking in.

We both start walking towards the store of the truck stop, "What can't it buy?" Hide asks.

I sigh.

"It can't buy family, love, friends, well most of the time if you have greedy ones, most of the time it can't buy happiness, but I'm the kind of person that says, hand me a hundred dollars and watch me smile!" I say/joke.

Hide only chuckles.

"Chromia would have like you" He mumbles.

I look at him.

Chromia who is that? Probably someone important to him... Or his sister? Who knows! I'll find out probably soon.

We make it into the small store, it smells of fresh coffee and dry smell of manure (Cow Poop), the smell doesn't bother me, I've been to a lot of truck stops with Mom and Dad, when we went on summer vacations.

I hear Hide sigh, I see a lady, she's a waitress, she has brown hair, tan arms, and legs, brown eyes, she is very nice looking, Hide walks over to:

Truckers Palace

It's a restaurant, I see a lot of truckers and a lot of waitresses, Hide sighs softly, and walks over to a stand where it has a sign, that says:

Please wait to be seated

Hide sighs, and then the waitress walks over to us, "Hello I'm Dolly! I'll be your waitress today! Your daughter is very cute!" She says.

My mouth went wide but it quickly shut when I hear Hide say this:

Well, thank you! Her name is Shadow!

"Well, Shadow you are adorable!" Dolly says, I still can't keep my eyes off of Hide cause he said that!

"Honey say thank you!" Hide says, "Thank you!" I say while looking at Dolly.

"You look a lot like your Dad here!" Dolly says, "Well thank you," Hide says.


"I'm so sorry for talking, here let me take you to a table! Where are my manners table or booth?" She says/asks, "Table would be nice," Hide says with a smile, I, on the other hand, is still looking at Hide with a confused face.

He claimed to me to be his daughter! He probably was saying that or was he?

The smell of a cheap cigar reaches my nose, it has a grape smell to it, I feel Hide pull on my hand gently and I snap out of my gaze, on a little overweight bull hauler, he is telling dirty jokes to the other truck drivers, who are laughing at his jokes, he has blue overalls on with a redshirt under it and white Nike tennis shoes, that look a little worn out.

His brown hair is cut short, his brown eyes are full of tears from laughing too hard, Hide pulls me out of my gaze when he says:

I'll be back

I nod, he gets up and walks off, and then the truck driver turns towards me, "Hey!" He says, his voice is deep but booming, I look at him, "I'm Vern and this is my friend named Tyler" he says while motioning to a man beside him.

"Vern leave the girl alone!" The man supposedly named Tyler says, "I'm sorry about him! He's a little crazy!" Tyler apologizes.

I chuckle, Vern walks over to me and sits in front of me, "You know you're a very pretty girl like your dad" he says, I stay quiet.

"You're Dad gave you the don't talk to strangers talk?" He asks, I nod, "I gave my youngest daughter the same talk too, she's a little girl, she's very pretty and nice, just like her Momma," he says, "I miss them" he mumbles.

I see that his fingers and hands are interlocked together, I pat his hand with a small smile, he smiles back, he gets up and walks away out of the restaurant, I look in front of me and I see a can of Copenhagen (Chew).

"Welp I better go! See ya, Dolly!" Tyler says and leaves, and then an old fat smelly man sits down at my table.

"Hey little girl," he says his breath smells like death itself, I gulp, and then I feel his hand go on my leg, as then I see Vern walk in and over to us, "Herbert! Stay away from her!" He sneers.

The man removes his hand and leaves, "I'm sorry about him... Did he hurt you?" Vern asks I shake my head, I hand him his Copenhagen can, he takes it with a smile.

Where is Hide?!

Vern smiles and walks out of the restaurant, and then Hide walks back in, I let out a sigh in relief, Hide walks over to our table, and sits down, he looks at me probably trying to figure me out.

He sighs, I look at him with a smile, and then the old man comes back, "Hello sweet thang~" the old man purrs.

That's when Hide lost it...

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