Chapter 21

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A/N: this came to my mind and I had to put it! Sorry but it wouldn't leave my mind alone! LOL XD! Enjoy this short chapter!

WARNING!: it might make you cry! Cause it sure did me writing this! Enjoy! And it will make you laugh then cry! Like Fault in our Stars...
Shadow's POV

I open my eyes and see Sideswipe staring down at me, I am in his arm plating, "Good morning cutie~" he coos, I yawn and turn away from him, "Aww~ why does cutie turn away from me~" he pouts.

"Because you ugly!" Jazz says through his snickers, "That was mean!" Sideswipe says 'hurt', "I don't care, you need to stop flirting with my femme," Jazz says then sends a wink my way.

"Excuse me?! This is my femme! And she likes me more!" Sideswipe argues, I look at SunStreaker, who is shaking his head in disbelief, "She doesn't even like ya!" Jazz argues, "She doesn't like you either!" Sideswipe growls, "Lets put it like this... She's mine!" Bee says through the radio while he is walking up to us.

"Excuse us?!" Jazz and Sideswipe says at the same time.

"Yep, she's mine" Bee says sending a wink my way.

"Okay, then she chooses who she wants to belong to-" Sideswipe starts but Ironhide taking me from him cuts him off. "She's only 6!" Hide argues, "And? We're just planning ahead," Jazz shrugs.

"No, she's mine!" Crosshairs says taking me from Hide, I yelp, "Autobots," Optimus says, I stay in Crosshair's palm, "Guys, I'm not-so-sorry to burst your dream bubble, but I belong to myself!" I growl, "Whatever, one day you'll see me in your future," Jazz says winking at me.

"Gross!" I squeal, "Why don't they hit on Tessa?" Hide grumbles, "Hey!" Cade says, "What? Shadow is only six and they are already planning her future!" Hide argues, "You all are disgraceful," Hound mumbles, SunStreaker growls at him.

"Okay, fine then, if we're disgraceful then you are EVEN more disgraceful!" Bee argues...

Shots have been fired...

"Alright! Shadow belong to no bot or human! She is a young sparkling under my care! And she will not ever date until I'm dead! Clear?!" Hide growls.

"Your funeral shall be arranged..." Jazz whispers teasingly, Hide whacks him upside the head, "Idiots!" Hide grumbles. I giggle, "Don't worry love, I'll make sure, you will be protected~" Crosshairs says before winking.

"OW IRONHIDE!!" Crosshairs yelps.

"Not until I'm dead!" Hide growls.

"But... But... That's so not fair!" Jazz whines.

"I'm with Jazz for once," Crosshairs grumbles.

Crosshairs sets me down and I walk over to SunStreaker, I sit down not close to his feet but near, he looks down at me, then he looks at the four Autobots arguing, Ironhide, Crosshairs, Sideswipe, and Jazz.

"You are so unlucky," he growls.

I look up at him, his face hard and cold threatening anyone that came near, "You are right there," I say in a soft smiling up at him. He looks down at me, "I mean your right all the time!" I say awkwardly, he grunts, I pick up a rock and toss it, it accidentally hits Jazz's foot but he continues arguing.

"Nice throw," SunStreaker grunts, "Thanks!" I chuckle, "Did you ever go out for, what you humans call, baseball?" He asks saying baseball like it was new to him, which it probably is. "Yeah, I did it back at age four through five, but quit at the end when I turned 6..." I whisper.

"Why?" He asks getting more interested, I could tell it in his eyes, "My mom," I say softly, "Where is she?" SunStreaker asks, "Gone.." I whisper, "On a trip?" He asks looking down at me, "No... I mean... Dead.." I say pulling my knees to my chest.

He looks down at me, "I am sorry," he whispers, "Your fine, you didn't know, I mean, you weren't around when the Chicago attack happened.." I say softly, "I've heard of it," he says shrugging, "Tell me this, Ironhide said he found in Texas, where ever that is, how was your carrier or mom, in your language, in Chicago?" He asks.

"Well Mom, she was always gone, jobs in Texas didn't pay much at the time, and mom always wanted to work for a magazine company, she found a magazine job up there, and moved her clothes and things she needed up there. She would always FaceTime or call us, and talk on and on about her day, I loved seeing her smile while she talked about her job. Then the attack happened.." I say and trail.

"What happened?" He asks kneeling by my side.

"She was at work," I say and close my eyes, remembering her smile and her strong heart beat, her brown hair flying in the summer sun, "Then a Decepticon crashed... into her... building.... Everyone made it... But she... she didn't... she risked her life for someone else! Why didn't she leave?! She knew she had me and dad to take care of!! Why... Why?" I say sobbing at the end.

"Why... Why? She knew me and dad couldn't live without her!" I snap crying, "And she risked her life for someone else's! She left us in this world! She... She... Left us... Like we were trash... like we were garbage... Like we were gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe..." I say crying...

I hug myself tightly, I feel a finger gently touch my back, whoever it was started stroking my back with care and gentleness, I look up and see SunStreaker, I see the softness in his eyes, only I could see, "I am sorry," he says softly but everyone else would see it as a growl.

I see the softness and sadness in his eyes, "She sound just like you," he says, "A small but strong fleshy," I smile, "Thank you, SunStreaker," I say in a soft tone smiling at him.

This is what it feels like to have someone care for you... and listen to your problems... I've always to have someone like that... and I found it..

The internet lied... The Autobots are kind and caring... but first you have to be kind and caring to them, before they are to you...


OH MY GOSH! I'm trying so hard not to cry during my advisory class! This is heartbreaking!! I'm gonna go home and blare my sad music and find my happiness in some Five Finger Death Punch... LOL XD! JK I'm not that depressed! LOL


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