Chapter 18

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Shadow's POV

When I woke up, I was in the backseats of Ironhide, his human form holding me close to his chest, a blanket over us. I could hear his heart thrumming in peace, his chest expanding with each gentle breath he took, his black hair in a slight mess, his arms wrapped around me softly and gently. I move a slight piece of hair out of his eyes, I slowly lean up and lay a gentle kiss on his cheek.

A soft smile grazes his lips... making me smile...

Ironhide's dream

"SHADOW!!" I yell, she is standing on the battle field, her face covered with dirt, her blood, and sweat, her clothing ripped, she has tennis shoes on except boots, her blue eyes looking around examining.... No looking... "Ironhide?!?!" She yells looking around, she turns my direction, her eyes widen with horror, I turn and see Lockdown, his gun warming up, pointed straight at Shadow....

He fires....

"Shadow!!" I growl shooting up, I look down and see my little femme recharging,  I grab her in my holoforms arms, I clench my jaw trying not to leak or what humans call cry, I nuzzle my face in her hair, she nuzzles into my chest, wrapping her arms around my arm, I hold on to her tighter, "My Hide," she whimpers, I hold her tightly thanking Primus it was a dream.

I take a deep vent and let it out, Shadow nuzzles into my chest, grabbing a handful of my jacket, I really didn't care as long as she's alive, that's how it's going to be, and stay, I will lay my life down for hers.


He watched as his weapon specialist held the small girl tightly like his life depended on it, that made Optimus's Spark warm, no human except for Lennox, has got to fully understand Ironhide, and this little 6 year old human femme has Ironhide hooked on her.

There is no distance between them, they are like what humans called two peas in a pod, Optimus was happy with her, Shadow Marie Dodge, it made Optimus confused on how she has touched Ironhide's Spark, or how she had gotten so close to him, but as long as Ironhide was happy Optimus was, Optimus wanted to make all of his Autobots happy, but he couldn't do that with the humans and Lockdown.

Optimus didn't want to stress on the humans and Lockdown, he looks towards his Weapon Specialists alt, that sat peacefully, Ironhide and the small human femme Shadow inside recharging. A soft smile grazed Optimus's metallic lips knowing that Ironhide was more than happy, with this human femme.

Ironhide hasn't told him how he stumbled across Shadow, or what her back story was, all he knew was her full name, Shadow Marie Dodge, the name sounded mysterious and beautiful, the name sounded as if it was carefully picked, he watched as the human femme slowly climbed out, she stretches, Optimus could hear air being released from her joints from stretching them.

She looks around and her small blue optics land on Optimus's frame leaning against the wall, "Why aren't you asleep?" The femme whispers softly not wanting to wake the others, but Optimus could hear her soft smooth voice in questioning, "Couldn't" Optimus says shrugging slightly, the femme yawned softly.

6:59 a.m.

Is not the perfect time for a young sparkling to be up, Optimus looks at her, "Why are you up?" He questions, she yawns once more, "Couldn't get much sleep," she whispers softly, using a soft tone on the Prime, only Elita used a soft tone like that for Optimus, Optimus's Spark clenched painfully thinking about his spark mate, but he stared at the femme no pain on his faceplates, her long black hair went down to her back, her blue eyes gleaming in the moons light.

"Shadow? Where's your parents?" He asks, the femme clenches her fists, Optimus knew he hit a what humans call a nerve, not a bad one but a painful one, "I am sorry," he murmurs, "There's nothing you could have done," the femme says gently, "Mom died in the attack.... And Dad..." She trails, Optimus looked at her, "My aunt said that he was... shot..." The Prime knew she didn't like talking about this, there was a soft crack in her tone, and immediately regretted asking her.

He did not like seeing young Sparklings cry, especially Shadow, but she wasn't crying she sucked it up, or held back her tears, a young sparkling should not have to loose both parental units.. It's wrong... Optimus knew better.

He looked at the human femme a little more than he looked at his weapon specialist.

Optimus then knew why they were so close, Ironhide has always wanted a young sparkling, and this human femme, this small 6 year old human femme made his weapon specialist happy, Optimus knew that Ironhide had never been to happy, but when he met Chromia, William Lennox and his daughter Annabelle Ironhide was happy, but when it was taken away from him, Ironhide turned cold, he was distant, but when this human femme came around Optimus noticed that Ironhide was the same, except only softer than usual.

Ironhide didn't like it when people or Autobots called him soft, Ironhide only had soft spots for the people or bots he cared about most, Optimus sent the young femme back to recharge, and made an fierce promise.

'I, Optimus Prime, will protect that human femme and my team with all costs, even if it costs me my life...'

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