Chapter 10

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Shadow's POV

That's when Hide lost it...

Hide got up and knocked the man's lights out, everyone in the truck stop gets quiet, "Stay away from my daughter!" Ironhide sneers at the man on the ground.

He looks at me and he grabs my hand and walks out, Dolly walks up to Ironhide, "I'm so sorry about Herbert, he's a weird old man" she apologizes.

"It's fine," Hide says softly trying not to blow a gasket, he then walks past Dolly and walks out of the restaurant, he walks out of the trucks stop and walks out to his truck, he's breathing heavily.

Probably from the anger, when we get out to the truck Hide puts me in the passenger seat, and slams the door, I can hear him mumble stuff to himself from the anger.

He gets on the driver's side and he starts himself up and drives out of the truck stop gas station.

I watch as his hands turn white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, I put my hand on his shoulder, his cold hard gaze snaps over to me, but I don't show any fear, but inside I'm a little scared, just a pinch scared.

Hide takes a deep breath and looks back at the road, "The next exit we'll be where we need to be" Hide says no emotions is found in his tone, I only nod.

"I should've never left you!" He grumbles under his breath.

Ironhide's POV

I'm furious!

Some old flesh-bag tried to hit on a six-year-old human femme!! While I was sitting there!

I mean what perverts earth has!

When my fist met his face he feels to the floor with a loud THUD!

I smile darkly at the memory, Shadow probably thinks I'm mad at her... But I'm not, the dark smiles disappear, I look over at Shadow, who has her head against the window sleeping.

I lift the armrest and I pick her up gently and I set her in the back seats, she cuddles up to the seats, I purr softly, but I shake my helm out of it, this little femme depended on me, she wants and needs protection...

That's what I'm here to give her... Protection

I make my Holoform disappear and I drive in silence, thinking about how much Chromia would have loved her.

3 hours later

Shadow's POV

When I woke up it was dark, I was looking up at the ceiling of hiding's back seats, I sat up and I didn't see his human form, I shrugged it off, I have a safe feeling go over me, I have never had a safe feeling, I only get it when I'm around Ironhide.

He makes me feel like a daughter to him! He makes me feel safe and sound!

I smile, I crawl into the front passenger seat, it must've scared Hide slightly cause I felt him jump slightly.

I sit comfortably in the passenger seat, the seat belt snakes over me and clicks into place, "We're almost there" he says, "That's good" I say, and I look out the window, the road and scenery are covered in the pitch black of the night.

Only Ironhide's headlights are the only thing making the road seeable and some scenery, I still feel a little tired but I try to shake it off, and then the seatbelt un clicks and pulls off of me and the seat reclines back.

"Go to sleep, you'll be alright I'm going to stay up and get us there," Hide says, I feel something soft, warm and fabric go over me, it feels like a blanket but I don't care I fall asleep.

But before I fell into the darkness I felt a pair of lips go on my forehead and then pull back, I felt a hand go through my hair and I hear Hide's tough but soft voice say:

Goodnight Sweet Spark

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