One More Thing...

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Sorry for the jump!

Two weeks later…

I walked into my empty house. Everything was so quiet now that Cassie was gone. I still couldn’t believe that she had actually left me. And so did Jona. He hadn’t called once; not even to say goodbye. I tried calling him, but it always went to voicemail. My best friends, gone, just like that.

I wandered to the kitchen, trying to figure out what to eat. I hadn’t gone shopping in days, so the food supply was pretty low. But I didn’t feel like leaving my house either to go find anything.

I gave up on my search for food and went and sat down on the couch.

“Maybe I should call Oli,” I said to no one. I sighed heavily. I hadn’t talked to him either. He didn’t even know I had found out who was stalking me. I didn’t know how to tell him, or how he would even react. I mean, as unstable as he was these days, I wasn’t sure how to say anything to him…

I pulled out my phone and dialed Matty’s number. He would know what to do. He picked up right away.

“Hey Brod, how are you?” he asked cheerfully. I was shocked. The last time I had talked to Matty, he was quiet and very upset sounding. Now, he seemed actually happy.

“Uh, I’m fine. What’s going on?” I asked.

“Well, it seems things are finally starting to come together for us over here, Brodie,” he said. My heart leapt for joy.


“Yeah! We actually had a practice today, and Oli has a bunch of new music for us to play, and things are starting to look up!” he said. I couldn’t be any happier.

“That’s great Matty!”

“The only bad thing is Jona. We don’t really know what to do without him,” he said sadly. The happy mood disappeared quickly.

“Yeah. He never even called me,” I said quietly.

“He didn’t  know what to say,” he said.

“An explanation? An apology? A reassurance that he’s still my friend?” I said angrily. Matty sighed heavily.

“I know, and I’m sorry Brodie,” he said.

“It’s not your fault, Matty,” I said as I wiped a single tear away from my eye.

“I know.”

“So, you have new music?” I asked, wanting to change the mood. I couldn’t handle being sad anymore. Nothing we did was going to bring Jona back, and sitting here sobbing about it.

“Yeah, Oli and Lee have been working at it pretty hard. They hardly leave the studio. It’s been good,” he said.

“That’s great, Matty,” I said. I was still upset though. Oli seemed like he was actually moving on, starting to get better, so why hadn’t he called me?

“Has Oli, uh, said anything about me?” I asked quietly

“Uh, no,” Matty said a little too quickly. I tried to keep the panic from rising in my chest.

“Matty, is there something else going on that I don’t know about?” I asked him.

“Nothing at all,” he said. I sighed.

“Matty, I know you better than that. What’s going on?” I demanded.

“Nothing, I gotta go Brodie. Talk to you later!” he said. And just like that, he was gone.

“Matty!” I shouted into the phone, but there was no answer. He was really gone. I sighed heavily and threw my phone down on the couch and buried my face in my hands. Matty knew something else was up with Oli, so why wouldn’t he tell me?

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I needed to get out of this house. Away from all of this. I wanted desperately to go back to England, but there was no way I could right now. I was still catching up on money from my last trip. I couldn’t afford to go back right now.

But I wanted to see Oli. More than anything, I wanted to see his wonderful smile again, to hear that laugh, hold him close. I missed him so badly, it literally hurt me to think about it.

Did he not feel the same anymore? Is that why Matty didn’t want to talk about it? What if Oli really did move on? He wouldn’t actually do that, would he?

I ran down to my car and jumped in. I didn’t know where I was going, but I just needed to drive. I threw the car in drive and pulled out of the drive way. Snow started falling down in thick clumps all over the road. I groaned. The last thing I wanted was snow.

I drove out away from town in the direction that seemed right. Towards my mom’s house. I knew she wouldn’t be home, but I wanted to go there anyway. To be around something that felt right. I picked up speed as I neared my mom’s drive way. The snow was thick on the gorund now.  I knew I was driving far to fast, but I didn't care.

I quickly turned the corner, but I hit it to sharp. My car skidded around the corner and smashed into the tree at the corner of her drive way. 

"Ooofff!" I grunted as I smashed into the steering wheel. My head smacked against it hard, making my vision blur. 

My car stopped moving. Snow fell from the branches and onto my car. I sighed and leaned back against the seat.

"Fucking hell," I muttered. I sighed heavily and looked around. My car was smashed into the tree pretty good, but I think I could pull out of it. I sighed and tried to get my car to start, but it wouldn't turn over. 

"Fuck," I muttered. I reached over for my bag to get my cell phone,but I couldn't find it. Tears started forming in my eyes. It was like things couldn't get any worse for me...

I leaned back agains the seat of the car again. I didn't know what i was going to do. My mom's house was a mile down this drive way, but I didn't have a coat or the right shoes to be hiking through the snow. My phone was back home in my apartment, and my car wouldn't start. 

"What else could go fucking wrong!" I shouted. Tears streamed down my face. I had never felt more alone in my whole life. And it was all my fault. If I had stayed in England with Oliver, none of this would have ever happened.

Surprise! I wasn't going to update for you all until this weekend, but I decided since I love you all so much and you've been sort of patient with me, I figured while I had a little free time, I would upload what I had finished now. So, are you surprised! I should have a few more chapters maybe later this week, or even this weekend, but no promises as to when they are. Remember, I have a very busy life and I just don't have time to sit at my computer all day anymore. So again, don't ask me to update. I'll just ignore it. I like positive feed back on my stories, not just the same one comment. So keep that in mind. It makes me feel better, and it also puts me in a better mood for updates. So keep that in mind as well. 

Anyway, you are all a wonderful audience and I love you all to death. You are a great group of people and I love you all to death. Keep reading and voting and commenting and giving me feed back. I love you all! 

Ps. Also, remember, I'm doing dedications to those of you who ask. But I will not give you one if you leave a comment about it. Personally message me or write on my page! I really like dedicating things to you guys, so don't hesitate to ask! <3

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