Day of Rain

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I starred around the bus, but I couldn't get m eyes to focus. I knew I wasn't completely plastered, but I was slowl getting there. But my mind kept wandering back to Cassie. She should have been back by now. 

"Where's Cassie?" I slurred to James. He slowly turned to look at me. His eyes were also unfocused, nor could he seem to process what I was saying. 

"Cassie?" he asked. I glared. 

"Yes, Cassie, my best friend," I said. His brow scruntched up.

"She never came in," Austin said. My head whipped around to face him. 

"She didn't?"

"No. I'm pretty sure she never came back," he said. I jumped up, only yo stumble right into Austin's bare chest. 

"Sorry, but I have to go find her," I said. I pushed past him and staggered across the messy bus. Austin tried to stop me, but I pushed him off and somehow made it to the door. 

The light from the green room was still on, which told me that Cassie was still in there.

“Cassie?” I called. There was no answer. I pushed the door open and walked inside.

Cassie was sitting on the sofa with her back to me. Her phone was tossed down to the ground, and her head was hung, resting in her hands.


“Did you forget about me?” she snapped. I recoiled at her harsh tone.

“What happened?” I asked quietly. She rolled her eyes and turned away from me again. I slowly crossed in front of her and sat down. She turned away.

“Cassie, talk to me,” I whispered.

“This is entirely all your fault,” she said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“This. This whole mess you caused. If you hadn’t had to up and left your pathetic boyfriend, this would have never happened,” she said quietly. I was confused. What on earth was she talking about?

“Cassie, Oli and I talked. We’re working on things,” I said.

“You and him caused all of this though. Why did you have to leave England? And more importantly, why in the hell did I go with you?” she spat. She finally turned to face me. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her makeup was smeared down her cheeks.

“Cassie, what are you talking about? You know I had to come back because of Brock. Otherwise I would have never left,” I said. She rolled her eyes again.

“You mean the brother that betrayed you to your crazy, ex-boyfriend?” she said.

“How did you know about that?” I whispered. She gave a cold chuckle.

“Oh please, did you really think you could keep it from me?” she said. I hung my head.

“I didn’t want to scare you,” I whispered. She scoffed and pushed herself off the couch and started pacing the small room.

“Scare me? So you’d rather lie and keep something as big as that from me? Some friend you are,” she spat.

“How did you know,” I whispered.

“Jona. He asked me if you had found anything out, and since I had no idea what he was talking about, he had to explain it to me,” she said. Jona… Damn…

“What all did he tell you?”

“He told me someone was stalking you and sending you letters and that they were going to be at the concert today, and I just had a feeling I knew who it might be, so I called Tyler, and he told me everything. What I don’t understand is how you didn’t figure it out earlier. Or how you didn’t recognize your own ex-boyfriend,” she said.

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