Promise Me?

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“You- You’re coming to- You’re coming here?” I stammered.

“Yes Brodie. We’re coming to America. We just got a new record label. The album is half written, and we’re all ready to start recording again,” Oli said. Tears instantly streamed down my face.

“You’re really coming here?” I whispered again. He chuckled slightly, but I could hear how heavy his voice got.

“I’m coming to see you, babe,” he whispered. My whole world stopped spinning. I felt like my heart would burst with excitement.

“I can’t believe this,” I whispered.

“I can’t either. Things just started falling into place,” he said.

“You’re telling me. I thought things were going to get worse. It’s already bad,” I said.

“Not anymore. Things have been bad, but that’s all in the past now, and we have no choice but to move forward,” he said.

“So when are you coming here?” I asked. I hoped it would be soon…

“Probably in a month or so. I still have to talk to the guys about having Jordan join the band, and let them read over the new music and all that stuff. We have to get back into the spirit of working again,” he said. I tried not to sound to disappointed.

“A whole month?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, but that’s as soon as we can get out of here,” he said. I sighed.

“Well, at least I get to see you soon. I’m going crazy here, Oli. Everything is falling apart. I’m a mess with out Cassie, my mom hates me, and my brother sold me out for drugs,” I said.

“I know, and I’m so sorry I haven’t been there. I know my shitty behavior hasn’t helped you at all. I should have been there for you,” he said quietly.

“Oli, don’t, it’s okay, I just want to forget about it,” I said.

“That the thing, I can’t. I fucked up big time. It cost me a valued band member, and it almost cost me my girlfriend, the person I love more than anything else in this whole world,” he said. Tears started forming in my eyes again.

“Oli, it’s okay. I understand, it really was hard, but we are going to make it through this, I know we are,” I said.

“Brodie, I’m sorry. I need to tell you something,” he said quietly. My heart skipped a beat.

“What?” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

“Brodie, all those months I spent not talking to you, well, I did something really stupid,” he said. My head started to spin. Had my suspicions been right? Had he found someone else and moved on?

“What Oli? Just fucking tell me and quit beating it around the bush!” I said harshly.

“Brodie, I used to have a real big problem with self-harm before I met you. I turned to it when I needed an escape from all the loneliness on tour. It was all did besides drink. I was a really big wreck. But then I met you, and everything changed. You opened my eyes to new feelings, things I hadn’t felt in what felt like years. I stopped hurting myself because I found a reason to live again. I put my razors away for you,” he said. I couldn’t stop sobbing now.

“But when you left, everything came rushing back. All of those feeling of being alone, everything was worse though, because I’ve never felt like this about anyone else. I thought you were never coming back to me, and it all became too much… I… I found my razors again… I couldn’t stop myself. It was all I had…” he said.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Call me? Like you were supposed to!” I said. I wanted to be angry, but I knew I couldn’t be.

“I couldn’t. I was mad still, mad that you left me. I thought maybe, if I ignored you, you’d come back, but you didn’t. And it made things worse. It’s all my fault Brodie. I should have never done that to you,” he said.

“Oliver, I wished I would have known. I would have come back sooner. I wished I didn’t have to leave you. It wasn’t worth coming back anyway. Everything sucks worse over here anyway. I’m sorry I didn’t try harder. But, Oli, don’t do it anymore. Please? Please promise?” I begged. I could head him crying o the other end.

“I promise. I promise Brodie,” he said.

Sorry it's so short. Just a little filler chapter for you guys. I hope you're getting excited. Brodie and Oli's story is almost over, and I'm super stoked about the ending! But don't worry, plenty more to come. I promise!

Feedback and votes and wonderful, my beautifuls. I'm still accpeting dedications, so if you want one, feel free to ask, and I would m\be more than happy to give you one. I love you all! You're such a wonderful audicence and I love you all to death! Your support has been great!

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