Tell My Friends to Sharpen Their Teeth

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I sat in my living room impatently, picking at my fingernails. Danny and the guys should be here by now, but they were late, as usual. 

I walked back to the bathroom to make once last check to make sure I looked alright. I gazed into my reflection and smiled slightly. My mu,ticolored hair was in lose, bouncy curls all over my head. I tugged on one slightly. it fell right back into place. I had on one of my Drop Dead singlet, bright purple cut off shorts, fish net l\tights with giat holes ripped in them, and my favorite pair of black combat boots. My make up with thick and dark, with complementing shades of purples and golds to match my outfit. 

A loud knocking at the door pulled me from my trance. I sprinted towards the door, almost tripping over my untied boots. My heart pounded with excitement. I threw the door open, but my face fell in disappointment. 

"Here you are, Miss bryant. Today's mail," hte post man said with a huge smile. I tried to return it as I took the small pile form his hands. 

"Thanks," I said quietly. 

"You going out tonight?" he asked, glancing at my outfit. 

"Yes. My friends are picking me up, but they are late, as usual," I said. 

"Well, ou have a great night anyway. You girls need to get out more. HGave a great rest of the day!" he called over his shoulder as he walked down the stairs. I waved and quickly smalled the door shut.

"Damn," I siad to myself. I looked down at the pile of mail in my hand and took a deep breath. Maybe... Just maybe...

I quickly flipped through the small pile. Bills, subscription, more bills, and...

There is was. Just like always. The no return envelope stared me in the face. it was right under the envelope that contained the tickets for tonight. Myheart beat faster and faster as i tore into the envelope. 

See. you there...

The asking Alexandria logo was cruedly sketched under the erie message.

W"ho the fuck are you?" I whispered faintly. Tears streamed down my face as I crumpled to the floor, letter still tightly clutched in my hands.

"Brodie? Babe?" Ben's voice called through the door. I couldn't more. i was to paralyzed by fear. I could hardly breathe. How could I go to the show mow! Wjho ever was sending these messages was going to be there! There was no way I could go now!

Ben slammed the door open furiously and came running in, followed closely by Danny, James, Cam and Sam.

"Brodie! What's going on?" Ben yelled. He crouched down to the floor with me and wrapped his strong arms tightly around me.

"I can't go!" I sobbed.

"What?" Danny said. James and Cam rushed over and also hugged me. Sam stood by the doorway, looking confused and angry all at the same time. 

"Brod? What's going on?" ben asked. I slowly pulled the crumpled letter out from my shaky hands. Ben took it and scanned it quickly. His face quickly turned red with rage.

"Who the fuck?" he shouted. 

"I don't know! But I can't go! he'll be there! I can't!" I sobbed. James pulled my closer to his body as ben stormed arund the room. I clutched James tightly. 

"Brodie, you don't know who could be doing this? No idea at all?" Danny asked. He now had the letter. He clutched it tightly in his grasp.

"No!" I cried.

"Well, who ever it is is going to get a real ass beating," Cam said. 

"Brodie, you gotta go. we have to put an end to this," Sam said. I shook ym head.

"I can't. I can't even breathe I'm so fuckign scared," I said quietly. 

"We'll take care of you. It's going to be okay," Ben said softly.  He had finally calmed down and crouiched down to my level. I was still clinging to James. 

"Brod, if that guy is there, we can take care of it. we can put and end to thism" he said softly. 

"How?" I whispered. James stroked my hair, trying to calm me. I felt myself start to relax. James was good at being calm and calming down others as well.

"By the only other way we know," Ben said.

"We beat his fucking ass," Sam said firmly. Danny reached out for my hand. I slowly reached up and took it. He pulled me from James' tight grasp and into his arms.

"It's going to be okay, babe," he whispered. "Now go back into the bathroom and fix you're make up. We have some people we want you to me and we have a big day of carousing ahead of us," he said. I sniffled and look up at him. He simply smailed back down at me. "Go on," he whispered. 

I glanced aroudn the room at my friends. I loved them so much, and everything they wre doing fo rme. They all gave me encouraging smiles.

"What would I do without you guys," I said. 

"Be alone in your room and not going to a concert with your best friends," Cam said joklingly. I rolled my eyes and quickly darted to the bathroom to fix my messy face.


"Brodie, we want you to meet hte guys we've been touring with. I think you will enjoy this just a little bit," Ben said. I squirmed under his tight grasp.

"Well, maybe if I could see!" I said. He lead me carefuilly down the stairs of my flat. "Ben, I'm going to fall," I whined.

"No you're not. The guys are all in front of you. So, if by some freak chance that you do fall, you'll land on them first before you hit anything hard," he said. I sighed heavily. Finally, we reached what felt like solid ground. 

"Can I look yet?" I whined again. Ben chuckled. 

"Yes," he said. He quicly pulled his hands away from my eyes. My heart instantly stopped working correctly. Standing just a few feet infront of my were the other two bands touring with Asking Alexandria.

"Hello, Brodie. It's so great to finally meet you! We hear so much about you, ad it's nice to finally place a face!" the sweet voice of Austin Carlile said. Matty Mullins also gave me a warm smile as the entire group of rock starts tepped forward. I could only stare as they all gave little waves, which just made them laugh. Finally, my brain kicked in and I got my mouth to start working.

"Oh my gosh! It's so great to meet you! I am such a huge fan and I know I'm probably soudning like every other person you meet but really, I love your music! It's amazing!" I said. Austin is so much taller in person. I felt like a little dwarf as he pulled me into a huge hug with those long arms of his. Matty stepped forward as well and gave me a hug too. 

"Come meet the rest of the gang!" Matty said. Austin introduced me to Alan, Aaron, Tino and Phil. They were all so nice! Matty introduced me to Cory, Jake, Kellen and Anthony. They laughed at my overwhelmed look that still hadn't disappeared from my face.

"you would think she would be used to being around rock stars seeing as her best friends are Ben bruce and Jona Weinhofen and her boyfriend just so happens to be Oliver Sykes," Matty said. I felt my face go red once again. Danny slung his arm around me and pulled me close.

"Nawh, she really isn't. She cried when she met us. You guys just shocked her into silence," he said with that sly smile of his. I slugged him in the arm and shoved him off. 

"For you're information, I didn't even know who Bring Me The Horizon was before I started dating Oli. and everyone knows how much I love all of you guys. It's not like I keep it a secret," I said. Aaron laughed. He was such a little sweet heart. I loved him instantly.

"Well, no worries, my dear. We've all been excited to meet you. Ben neve stops talking about how wonderful you are," he said.

"And you are!" Kellen said. My cheeks grew warm once again.

"You guys are to much," I said.

"Nawh. Come on. Adventure awaits!" Danny said. I smiled and climbed onto the crowded bus with the rest of our very large group, the letter completely forgotten.

Ps. Enjoy this fetus picture of BMTH. I sure do. Just look at them. <333

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