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I thumped my forhead against the table as Cassie sighed loudly. 

"Look, Brodie, I might not have been able to throw you a baby shower, but I'm going to help you plan this damn wedding if it's the last thing I do," she muttered. I slowly sat up and ran my fingers through my blonde hair. 

"Alright, well sorry for being a tad grumpy. Soon, you'll see what a joy it is to be up every hour on the hour taking care of a screaming child," I muttered back to her. She laughed quietly and rolled her eyes, 

"Yeah, and I'll love every second of it, because this kid will be worth it, just like Chelsea Brook is," she said. I couldn't help but to smile. She was right, as usual. Despite the lack of sleep and little time I had for myself anymore, I was happy. I was starting  my perfect fairy tale life, and everything was finally looking brighter. If only planning a wedding was easier...

"Now, the only thing we have to do now is pick a date, make and send the invitations, and find your dress," she said. I sighed again,

"I told you, I wanna get this done with fast. We've been putting it off for far to long. If I had my way, i'd elope," I said. Cassie's eyes hardened. 

"You better not. I have put way to much work into this wedding and you will not ruin it," she said. I laughed this time. 

"Relax, Fish Face. I'm not going anywhere," I said. The sparkle in her eyes returned, and she smiled back at me. 

"Okay, good," she said. She rested her hand on her belly as she smiled.

"Little thing is quite restless today," she said. I nodded. 

"I know the feeling. Wait till it gets bigger. Are you going to find out the gender?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. 

"Duh. I need to prepare. I want everything to be nice and ready for my little bundle of joy," she whispered, rubbing her belly again. I smiled as I watched her, recognizing the same sparkle and tender smile she now carried that I used to get. Thankfully, Oli had Chelsea Brook today, out for a little dad and daughter time. 

"So, date, like I said, the sooner the better," I said. Cassie snapped out of her trance and went back to work, scribbling away at her notepad. 

"Well, how about three months," she said. I groaned. 

"Cassie, I said soon. Three months is not soon." I said.

"Well, what were you thinking then?" she said. 

"Tomorrow," I said with a smile. She flipped an extra envelope at me, missing commpletely. 

"Be serious," she said. 

"What about next month, or sooner?" I asked. Cassie raised her eye brow at me, but looked down at her calander. 

"I can do a month. That gives me time to get out invitaions and make them and stuff," she said. I nodded and sighed loudly. 

"Glad that's out of the way," I muttered. She smiled and began carefully putting away her supplies into her binder. As much as we had disagreed on this, I was really glad she was there to help me. I wouldn't have known what to do. 

"So, when is Oli due back?" Cassie asked. I shrugged and stood up, heading for the kitchen. 

"He said he wanted to have bonding time, so I'm letting him have the whole day if he wants. His turn to change stinky diapers," I said. I yanked thr fridge open, looking for something to eat. 

"We need to go shopping," I muttered. I found an apple and a bottle of tea.

"Hard when you have five guys here all the time, sometimes, more than that even," Cassie said. I nodded and tossed her an apple as well and grabbed another bottle of tea. We wandered into the living room to finally sit down and relax. 

Her Sempiternal (Sequel to Oliver's Smile)Where stories live. Discover now