End of Me

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Two weeks later...

I shuffled nervously in my seat. I fiddled my fingers na dlooked out the window again. The ocean below us was a dark grey and somber looking. I sighed. I hated flying. But I knew soon enough we would be landing soon. Oli patted my leg again for the millionth time and gave a small chuckle.

"Almost there, love," he whispered. He leaned over and kissed the side of my face. His soft lips lingered a few seconds longer, giving me chills as his warm breath tickled my skin.

"I know. I'm just nervous. I haven't been back since, you know," I whispered. He smiled at me and squeezed my leg.

"Well, nothing has changed. Marci's car is still at my house. I figured one day you would be back for it," he said. I smiled. I had al most forgotten about Marci's little blue Mini Coop. I loved it so much. It was the only thing I had left of her's.

The baby kicked again and I sighed.

"This thing has got to come out soon," I muttered. Once again, it had found it's way on top of my bladdar, and once again, I had to pee. I hated bathrooms on airplanes more than I hated flying. They were so tiny and uncomfortable, with hardly any space for one person, let alone a girl who was seven months pregnant.

I scooted over Oli's lap and shuffled to the bathroom. I felt so big and awkward. My stomache would bump people as I tried to make my way down the isle, muttering awkward apologies as I went. Thank the lord that most people were understanding.

I gazed out the tiny window as I fininshed washing my hands in the tiny siink. The grey sky that hung low over England was now coming closer into view. My stomache fluttered agian, reminding me that we would soon be home.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, my phone buzzed. I yanked it out of my pocket. I had a Facebook message from Cassie. I smiled happily as I opened it.

Hey Fish Face. Heard you're getting fatter. Jokes, of course. Excited to get the little thing out? I bet. I can't even imagine being that big for so long. But I guess I'm going to have to get used to it, because I have some great news for you, I'm pregnant! Jona is so excited, and i guess after the inital shock of finding out, I am too. I don't think I want to know what I'm going to have. I'm only a few weeks along anyway. Do you know what you're having yet? Or are you waiting until D-Day? I kind hope its a girl. You better name her after me. Jokes, again. I know you and Oli have names picked out. I'm rambling, I know. I just miss you. I heard you might be coming back to England? Is that true? I hope so. You's be so much closer if you did. Well anyway, whether you come back or not, I'm still throwing you a baby shower, so I need some details. You better throw me a kick ass baby shower too. That's what best friends do. And if you on't make me the maid of honor at your wedding, i'll kill you. After the baby gets here, of course. Love you, Fish Face. Hope to hear from you soon.

Despite the happiness in the letter, tears streamed down my face. My best friend was going to have a baby! And she wanted to throw me a baby shower!

I waddled down the tight ilse and climbed back over Oli's lap and into my seat.

"Did you fall in, or just run out of toilet paper?" Oli said. I snickered and shook my head.

"No, I got distracted. Cassie messged me. She's going to have a baby!" I squeaked. Oli's eyes brightened.

"So Jona's gonna be a daddy, huh?" he asked. I nodded.

"Mhmm. They are so excited. She is only a few weeks along, but that's okay. And she wants to throw me a baby shower!" I said.

"Well that's good. Because I was kinda freaking out about that. I don't know how to throw one," he said. I smiled and reached up to kiss him.

"No silly, it's a girl thing only. I'll kick you and they boys out for beer and pool, and us girls will have a girl's day. Although, I'm not really sure who I'll invite. I don't really know a lot of people in England," I said.

"Cassie will take care of that," Oli said. I nodded and leaned back in my seat just as the pilot came in the intercom for us to buckle up. I squeezed Oli's hand tightly

"Home sweet home," he whispered.


Oskar barked noisely as he jumped around the bedroom, smelled everthing all at once.

"Think he likes his new home?" Oli asked. I laughed and tossed my jacket down on the bed.

"I hope so. Or he'll have to get used to sleeping outside," I said. Oli frowned and scooped up the little dog in his arms and cradled him close.

"Don't listen to that mean lady. She's hormonal," he said. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Good to be back," I said. Oli nodded.

"Sure is. But I wasn't gone for that long," he said.

"Well we better clean up the house. I'm sure the rest of the guys will come over, and I have a feeling that Ben will have smelled me coming off the plane and will be here in a heart beat," I said. Oli nodded.

"It would be nice to have the house to myself for once," he said. I smiled and pushed myself off the bed and walked into his out streched arms.

"Not when you have mates like your's. It's like they don't know the meaning of going home," I said. he nodded and rested his head on top of mine.

"They might have to, once we have the baby," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"You know they won't. They'll be here even more, trying to prove who is the best uncle," I said. He sighed ehavily.

"Forgot about that," he said. I chuckled.

"It must be a man thing," I said.

"When is Cassie coming over?" he said after a few beats.

"She didn't say. I'm sure soon. I'm about ready to burst," I said. He nodded aagain and let me go, walking out the door. I frowned.

"Oli?" I called after him. He didn't andwer. I sighed and sat down. This day wasn't going planned at all. Oskar jumped up on the bed with me and rested his head on my leg.

"You're dad is the most moody man I know," I said. My stomach fluttered anxioudly. I was worried he would start falling back into his old habbits, but I couldn't figure out why he would...

I sighed and pushed my self off the bed and walked out of the bedroom. I could see the light from the bathroom illuminating the dark hall way. I knocked on the door quietly before opening it.

"Oli?" I said. He was leaned over the sink, looking into the mirror.

"What?" he asked quietly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he muttered. I frowned and stepped further into the bathroom with him.

"Bull shit," i said.

"I'm just scared," he whispered suddenly.

"Of what?"

"The baby. What if it doesn't like me? What if I'm not around enough and it hates me," he said. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Oliver, when this kid grows up, it is going to be the luckiest kid in the world. It will have an amazing father and a wonderful life. So you might be gone on tour. That's okay. A lot of band members have kids. It's just part of it. But I do know that it wont hate you. How many kids can say that they have a rock star for a father? You're going to be a great dad, Oli. You have nothing to worry about," i whispered. He sighed heavily and rested his head back on mine.

"I hope you're right," he whispered.

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