Oh Well, Oh Well

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I sat on the couch with Ben and Oskar. The rest of the guys were off at the studio, and the guys from AA were out being.. Well the guys I guess. 

"So, you told Oli," Ben asked, breaking the silence. I sighed and nodded, stroking Oskar. 

"Yes, and he's excited. Everyone is, I guess," I said. 

"Except you," he said. I nodded. I was trying really hard to be happy for myself and Oli, but I was still stuck in a rutt. I hated everything about myself. I spent countless hours in the shower, alone in my room, avoiding everyone, much to Oli's discontent. He was so stressed as it was. The new album, Sempiternal, was supposed to come out tonight at midnight. And as usual, everything was chaotic. 

"Everything will come back around, Brodie," Ben said. I sighed again.

"That's esay for you to say," I said. He gave me a small chuckle.

"Brod, you need to stop being so negative. Yes, things were bad, but with you moping around like this, well, things aren't going to get any easier. You need to stay positive. You're having a baby for crying out loud. And it's Oli's baby. And he loves you more than anything in the entire world. Everything is going to be okay. teh album is going to be a sucess, Warped Tour is going to be great, and before you know it, you're beautiful baby will be here and you and Oli are going to live happily ever after," he said. He pulled me into an awkard hug. I found myself relaxing into Ben's arms. He was right. I needed to let this go and try and move on. 

Ben and I wathced TV for a while. The silence was less awkward now, and I was a little more relaxed. 

A small flutter in my stomach broke my from my trance. 

"Ben! The baby! It moved!" I cried. I held my stomach in my hands, waiting for it to flutter again. His eyes softened as he watched.

"You shoud have gotten knocked up sooner, it's adorable as hell," he said softly. I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm serious. It like, fluttered," i said. My stomach didn't do it again. I sloucched back in the couch and crossed my arms. Ben smirked again.

"What do you think it is?" he asked. I hadn't actually thought about what it was. 

"I dunno. I kind of what a girl," I said quietly. Ben rolled his eyes. 

"Every girl wants that," he said. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I wouldn't mind a boy either. But with a little girl, I could raise her the way I wanted to be raised. My mom didn't really care about me. She never bought me dresses or cute little shoes. She never curled my hair or dressed me up just because she could. I want that for my little girl, if it is a girl," I said. 

"What about names?" Ben asked. I thought about it for a few minutes. 

"I don't know yet. I'll have to think on it for a while I guess," I said. Ben said nothing more. We sat back and watched TV until the rest of the guys came clambering through the door. 


"Ready?" Lee asked. I rolled my eyes and stared back at the clock. 

"I hope so. we've worked to hard for this shit," Matt said grumpily. 

"It's going to be find. You guys will do great," James said. Danny draped his arm around me and pulled me into an awkward hug. 

"And if anything, you still have the baby to look forward to," he said. I shoved him off.

"Leave me and the baby out of this. This is about the guys, not me," I said. I curled up around Oli. He rested his head against mine and sighted heavily. 

"I hope everyone likes it," he said quietly. I kissed his neck softly. I knew he was nervous about his singing. I don't know why though. His singing voice was beautiful. He had nothing to worry about. 

Two minutes to go. The guys were now cracking open beers and laughing and cheering. I didn't take one. I was on a no drinking, no partying diet until the baby was born. I was trying to talk to Oli about names, but he was to distracted with the release of the album. 

"FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!" the guys cheered loudly as the clock hit midnight. Beers sloshed and were downed in seconds. and I'm pretty sure alll ten of the guys kissed me. But Oli kissed me the most. I held him for what felt like years, and for once, in what felt like years, I was actually happy. 

Sor sorry it's so short! Just a little filler chapter. I have decided what the baby is going to be and the name of the baby as well. Thank you guys so much for all the help! You have no idea what it means to me! Thank you so much! I hope you are all ready for the end. It's coming soon! Thank you all for the support! (Still room for dedications, so if you want, just ask. And check back to older chapters, because sometimes I give them to readers who have stuck it out with me till now. So yeah)

Thanks again you guys!

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