Breakin A Sweat

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I laid in bed and lazily flipped through the TV channels. There was realy nothing on during the day. Cassie was snoozing quietly in the corner, and Jona had left with the rest of the guys to go check out the new studio. I practically had to force Oli to leave and get back to the studio. The guys had less than two weeks before the new album was supposed to be released. I know he wanted to stay here with ne, but he needed to get back to work. Besides, it's not like I was going anywhere.

My morning nurse came shuffling in with my breakfast and medication. She gave me a warm smile as she set the tray of disgustion hospital food. 

"Morning dear," she said. She glanced over at Cassie, who was still sound asleep. "Poor dear, sound asleep again," she said. 

"Yeah, she doesn't like leaving me alone at night," I said. I pushing my food around the tray. My nurse sighed heavily as she injeacted more of my pain medication into my ivey.

"You'll need to eat, my dear," she said quietly. I shrugged.

"I just don't fee like eating. I think the reality of what actually happened is starting to set in," I said, not looking at her.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she sat down on the edge of my bed. I glanced over at Cassie, making sure she was still asleep.

"Just, everything, I guess. I mean, he raped me.. I never knew he was capable of something like that...," I whispered. Tears spilled down my face again. I had nightmares about it ever since I woke up. Never once did I dream of Marci again, no matter how many times I screamed for her as Tyler abused me over and over agian. I would wake up in blind panic every night, which is why Cassie stayed up with me.

"I know it's hard sweetheart, I can't even imagine what you are going through right now, but I know it must be difficult. But you survived it. You beat him, honey, and that's all that matters now," she whispered. 

"Things arent the same though. Oli looks at me differently. What if he ates me now?" I whispered. Before I knew it, I was sobbing my eyes out again, and she pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly. 

"He could never hate you, my dear. He blames himself. You should have seen him when you were unconscious. I have never seen such devotion in a young man before. He loves you, my dear. He could never not love you," she said. I only sobbed harder. "And besides, I don't think he could leave you even if he wanted to," she said. I pulled away from her.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She gave me a small smile, but confusion also filled her eyes.

"You mean- you don't know?" she asked. I raised an eye brow.

"Know what?" I asked. She was starting to scare me. 

"You're pregnant, my dear," she said quietly. My heart skipped a beat. 


"Yes. About three weeks pregnant," she said. "Surely you knew?" 

"I had no idea!" I squealed. I clutched my stomach protectivily. Maybe that's what Marci meant when she placed her hands over my stomach...

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you this way, but yes, three weeks along," she said. I looked up at her, suddenly filed with dread.

"You don't think it's-" I stammered but she cut me off.

"No! Not at all my dear. It's Oli's baby for sure," she said. I sighed with relief. I don't think I could live if it was Tyler's child. My head spun with so many jumbled thoughts. How would Oli feel about this? Would he stay with me and help with the baby? Does he even want kids? How in the hell am I supposed to tell him? He already has so much to worry about with the new album coming out in two weeks, getting ready for Warped tour... 

I sunk into the bed and closed my eyes. My nurse left quietly to leave me thoughts. 

Cassie stirred quietly over in the corner.

"You awake?" I asked quietly. 

"Barely," she said with a heavy sigh. I heard her sigh as she stood up and walk over to my bed,

"How you feeling?" she asked. I shrugged and sat back on the bed. She glanced down at my uneaten food and frowned.  "You need to eat, Brod," she said. I sighed heavily.

"I really don't want to hear it from you either, Cassie," I said. I crossed my arms and looked away from her. 

"Well excuse me. I just traveled all the way from Austraillia for your sorry ass and this is the thanks I get," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask you to come," I said. She let out a small chuckle. 

"Good thing, because you probably wouldn't have told me anyway, just like you didn't tell me about Tyler the first time either," she said. 

"Well go then, if you're that unhappy with me. I'm not asking you to stay either," I said. I looked back over at her. Hurt and confusion filled her eyes. 

"What is the matter with you?" she asked. I looked back away.

"You wouldn't understand," I said.

"I might not understand, but I can still try to help you. Brod," she said. 

"No one gets it. I don't need help. I just want out of my skin. I hate myself. I feel so dirty and unclean and hated and unwanted. I just feel like dying would be much easier," I said. 

"Brodie, please don't talk like that, you're scaring me," Cassie whispered.

"That's why no one will understand," I said blankly. I clutched my stomach in my hands agian. If it wasn't for the little bundle I now carried inside of me, I would have ended it the second I woke up.

Sorry it's so short. Just a little filler. And sorry that it's like.. super sad again. But don't worry all, this is a HAPPY story. So just keep reading my little ones. I love you all. <3

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