Let Her Go

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I drummed my fingers against my belly. I was so ready to get this thing out. I wanted to meet it, whoever it turned out to be. I wanted to cradle it to my chest, watch it fall asleep, buy it cute clothes and show it off to all my friends, once I got friends, anyway. I just wanted it here. 

Oskar jumped up noisely on the couch and whined. I scratched his head and patted against my leg.

"Daddy will be home soon," I said. Oli and the rest of the guys were at a meeting with their manager and would be back later. And once again, I was stuck here alone, waiting for him to get back. 

The doorbell rang suddenly, making me jump. I pushed myself off the couch and waddled over. 

"People never knock here," I muttered. I opened the door, and let out a squeak of surprise. 

"Ben!" I shouted, waddling over and throwing myself at him. He laughed loudly and hugged me tightly. 

"Brodie, I missed you so much!" he said excitedly. I kissed him softly on the cheek. 

"I missed you too," I said. We held each other for a few beats longer before finally letting go. 

"So, what have you been up to?" he asked. I lead him back inside and sat back down on the couch. Oskar yipped excitedly and bounced around on Ben's lap. 

"Sitting here. Oli is out with his manager and I'm stuck here. I don't really know anyone. And Cassie is still with Jona. But she wants to throw me a baby shower. And guess what? She's pregnant too!" I said. Ban laughed at my excitetment.

"Well that's great. The two of you can raise em together," he said. I nodded and leaned backwards.

"We always dreamed it would be that way," I said. The baby kicked hard this time, jolting me upwards. "Damn thing," I muttered, rubbing it softly as I leaned back again.

"Ready to get it out?" Ben asked quietly. 

"More than ready. I just want it here. I want to meet it," I whispered. I rubbed my stomach softly. The baby settled back down, which I was thankful for. The longer it stayed inside me, the more restless it got. 

Ben and I watched TV in silence for a while. It was nice to have him back. I missed him a lot. He was the only friend I had outside Oli's band mates.

"You excited to get married?" Ben asked suddenly.

"Yes, I think so. A little nervous, though," I said.

"Why's that?"

"It's Oli. He's sonervous about the baby getting here. He's afraid it won't like him because he'll be gone a lot. I'm afraid us getting married will only make it worse. I mean, I can't go on tour with him all the time. I'll have to stay and take care of things here. And he's so terrified right now. I mean, you should have seen him the other day. He shut me out completely. I'm just really worried about him..." I whispered.

Ben draped his arm around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I rested against his chest and sighed heavily.

"He'll be okay, Brod. He has a lot to worry about. He has a kid on the way, and a wedding to plan. Plus tours coming up, and he doesn't want to miss the birth of his own kid. He's just stressed. But I'm sure once it's here, he'll cal, down and everything will be okay," he said.

"I know that. But what about after? When he has to leave on tour? He is so afraid the baby won't like him or hate him for never being around," I said.

"Well he'll have to adjust. You both will. It will be hard, yes, but you'll both be okay. If anything, someone will always be around. We won't always be on tour, and Cassie and Jona can come around, when he's not on tour anyway. Everything will be okay, Brodie. You're starting to sound like him," he said, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, I guess so. Sorry. I guess I just needed to vent a little," I muttered. He pulled me into yet another big hug and held me close.

"That's what best friends are for. Besides, in the end, you'll see that I'm right and points for Ben will be at hand," he said. I laughed and shoved away from him.

"Whatever. If that's how you're gonne be, I'll rant to myself," I said. He rolled his eyes and leaned back against me.

"You'd go crazy," he said. I laughed and said nothing more. He was right. I just needed to relax and think about the good things. My baby would be here soon, I was finaly back home in England, surrounded by my friends, and the best part of all, I was getting married to Oli, and we would finally get our happily ever after.

Sorry it's so short. Just a little filler. Literally a little one. Please don't hate me. I have two weeks left of college and then I have the whole summer to write, that is when I'm not working. But don't worry, my lovelies, there will be plenty of updates. This story is almost over, and I'm still debating on making a spin off "third" part, or just leave it at this. Anyway, things to consider.

While I have your attention, you all should check out my latest fic, Gone Again, Love. It's an Austin Carlile fic, and I have a lot of ideas for this story. I would love it if you could check it out. It's a little slow right now, and it probably will be for a while. I want this one that way though. Anyway, it would mean the world. I love you guys. You're so great and amazing and thank you for everything. Till next time. <3

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