You're Not Alone Tonight

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Dedication for this chapter goes to UnderWorldKitteh!

Cassie was already gone by the time I had finally gotten out of bed. I shuffled around the kitchen making coffee and breakfast before I had to go to work. My phone, which was laying on the table, buzzed for the first time in what felt like months. I quickly ran over to it. It was a text from Danny.

Figure anything out? 

No. It's only been a day, dipshit.

Hey, be nice. Or no tickets. XD

Fine, didn't wanna see you anyway.

I smiled. I loved Danny and all the shit he gave me. I actually missed it quite a bit. He told me he'd be sending the tickets tomorrow. I told him that was fine and I'd see him later. 

I went back to my room to get dressed. I found my black skinny jeans and slipped into them. My room was a complete disaster, so finding clothes was next to impossible. I rummaged around looking for a clean shirt and my flats Oli got me. I had one, but the other one was MIA, as usual. 

My polka dot white tank top smelled clean. I found a long sleeved black shirt to go over it. One disadvantage of working at the coffee shop, I had to wear mostly black. I managed to find my other shoe burried under a pile of dirty clothes. I really needed to do laundry. 

I quickly ran to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. The coffee maker beeped. I was running late now. I threw my brightly colored hair hair up into a big knot on top of my head and put on a little makeup. I smiled at my reflection. I love my new hair. I just decided to do something different one day. I threw on my flats and ran down the hallway and dumped coffee into my mug. I grabbed my maroon peacoat and my bag and threw my phone in and ran out the door. 

I trotted down the sidewalk to my car. There was a small layer of fluffly snow laying on top. I quickly threw my stuff in the car and brushed off the snow that was covering the windshield. 

"Hey Brodie," a voice said from behind me. I jumped and almost slipped in the snow that had dusted the ground. I turned to see our post man standing behind me.

"Hey there. Bit chilly today, huh?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded.

"Indeed. Want these in the box or with you?" he asked. He had a stack of envelopes and magazines.

"In the box. I'm running late," I said.

"Hey, are you still seeing that rock star guy from England? My daughter listens to his band and she said you guys broke up?" he asked. My heart sank. Just what I needed to hear this morning...

"Uh, we're just on a break right now. Things are a little complicated with me being here and him being there," I said. He nodded but said nothing more. He gave me a small wave and headed up the stairs to our flat. I quickly jumped in the car and drove off in a dash, trying to push the saddening thoughts out of my head...


"the usual for you today, Mr. Jones?" I asked the wrinkly man standing on the other side of the counter. He smiled and nodded. I handed him his coffee and the newspaper and took his money. Then he slowly shuffled over to his favorite window seat. I turned back to the coffee makers to make sure we still had plenty of coffee. 

The bell chimed. I didn't bother looking to see who it was. It was most like;y one of the regulars who came in for their morning fix. I finished wiping down the coffee makes and wiped my hands off and turned around. I tried not to frown at the person standing at the counter.

"Brodie, darling," my mothers fake voice echoed through the tiny coffee shop.

"What do you want, mom?" I asked. I turned back around to finish cleaning up. 

"To talk to my sweet daughter," she said. I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes and turned back around to face her.

"Mom, I'd really appreaciate it if you didn't talk to me like that. It's embarassing, and these people aren't going to be impressed. All they want is hot coffee and this morning's paper. So quit the act," I said sternly. The smile was instantly gone. 

"Well, you never know," she said in her normal voice.

"What do you want? I'm working?" I asked again. She leaned against the counter.

"To talk to you about your brother," she said quietly.

"Mom, there is nothing to talk about. If he's innocent, then he's innocent, There is nothing more you can do but to go visit him in jail," I said. My mother's face instantly turned sour.

"Don't say that!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes.

"Again, mom, these people don't care. And it's not like it's a secret anymore," i said. She glared at me again.

"Well when are you going to see him?" she askedd.

"Next week. I have Thursday off and I'm taking Cassie with me to go see him," I said.

"But I wanted to go with you. Can't you go Saturday?" she asked.

"No. I have to work."

"Take it off."

"No. Mom." 


"I'm not arguing with you about hits. And frankly, I don't want to go with you, because all you do is whine and carry on and it's embarrassing, even for your son. So no. I already made my arangements, and you know I can't change them," I said. She pouted, but I ignored her.

"Are you ever going to see that boy again? He's probaby forgotten you and moved on anyway, I bet that's why he won't call you," she said nastily. I had enough. I threw the towel down on the counter and whipped around to face her. I spoke in a low, meacing whisper.

"You do not speak to me like that. You do not talk about Oli or any one from England. You have no business even thinking about that. I will not stand for it anymore. Oli is my problem, just lilke your sister was. And you will not speak to me about that. Got it?"I said. She backed up from the counter and her face went white.

"You've changed Brodie. What happened to you," she whispered. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Leave now, mom. I have customers who are waiting to have their coffee topped off and I don't have time to sit and talk with you about things you don't even care about," I said. I turned back around and grabbed the coffee pot and whisked past her and over to the nearest table. I heard her huff at me, but I ignored her. I went around filling everyone's mugs. Finally, she grabbed her purse and left with out another word.

As soon as everyone had their top off, I quickly threw the pot down and ran into the back room. I slammed the door shut and sunk to the floor, tears spilling down my face. 

As much as I hated my mother, she could be right. For all I know. Oli could have moved on and forgotten me completely.

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