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"Cheers!" Oli said into his microphone. The crowd screamed and shouted his name. I watched with a smile on my face as Jordan dove into the crowd as the next song started up, Chelea Smile. Another huge pit opened up, with Jordan somewhere stuck in the middle of it, and the chaos began again. Oli danced around stage and screamed the words to his song, with the crowd screaming back just as happily. 

"I always get worried about those kids in the pits," a soft voice behind me said. I jumped and whipped around, turning to face a very large, very sweaty, but very happy to see me Austin Carlile. I gave a little cry of delight and threw my arms around him.

"Austin! I forgot you guys were on tour!" I said. He hugged me back tightly before pulling away. 

"You forgot me?" he asked, pretending to pout. I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him.

"Put it in the back of my mind," I said. He smiled and glanced down at my belly, and his face lit up in an even bigger smile.

"Brodie! You're pregnant! I thought it was just a rumor!" he said, pulling me iinto another rib crushing hug. 

"Austin, the baby doesn't like being squished!" I muttered. He gave a little cry and let go instantly. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" he said. He placed his large hands on my stomach and rubbed it slightly. I couldn't help but to smile.

"It's okay. But yes, I'm pregant. Oli hasn't actually made an official announcment about it, and neither have I. I'm not really sure aout how the fans will react," I said. Austin rolled his eyes and smiled down at me. 

"Who cares what they will say? Oli and you are meant to be," he said. I felt my cheeks grow red and I hung my head. Austin raised his eye brow and gave me a little smirk.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" he asked, getsturing to my hand. I looked back up at him and smiled. I lifted my hand to show my magnificent ring. His face lit up once again.

"Oli asked me a little before we left for tour," I said. Austin clasped my hand tightly in his and kissed my cheek.

"It's beautiful, Brodie, really. I'm so very happy for you guys," he said. The crowd let out a scream again. I glanced over at the stage. Oli was giving a little wave for me to come forward. I shook my head, but he keep waving me over. 

"Go on," Austin said quietly. i took in a shaky breath and headed out in front of the hundreds of screaming fans. 

"I have a little announcement for you all, this being the kickoff tour, and you guys are the first to hear about it," he said. The crowd screame back at him. He reached out his hand for me, and I took it. 

"As you all know, I've been with Brodie for quiet some time now, and I'd like you all to know that we're getting married!" he said. Much to my surprise, the crowd gave a huge cheer. 

"And, if you can't already tell, we're going to have a baby!" he said. Again, the crowd screamed, and as I gazed down at them all, they all smiled back up at me, screaming for us. Tears sprung to my eyes as Oli gave me a little kiss, sending them in another uproar. 

"I love you," he whispered. 

"I love you too," I said back. Jordan came up from behind me and lead me off as their last song, Diamonds Aren't Forever, starte up. I leaned on Jordan for support as he lead me back to Austin. 

"Hey, mate. See you were just in time for Oli's big announcement," he said. Austin smiled and took my hand to lead me to a near by chair. Jordan gaave me a water bottle, which I downe instantly. 

"Yeah, we were just discussing it before he called he up there," he said. Jordan smiled at us. "Mind if I take her away for a bit, so the guys can see her?" Austin asked. Jordan shrugged. 

"Not up to me," he said. 

"Just let Oli know I'll be back in a bit?" I asked. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Will do love. Just drink more water, okay? It's hot today," he said. I nodded and followed Austin off stage. I ran over to the merch booth and grabbed water for us both. 

"So, you have names picked out?" he asked. I took another large drink of water before answering.

"Yes, but I'm not letting anyone in on them until D-Day," I said. 

"That's fine, I understand," he said. I smiled and followed Austin to where their bus was. I loved that about him; he never pestered or botherd me. He had more respect then my own boys...

Austin's bus was a few down from our's. They had already played, so the boys would hopefully be back in the bus. 

"Hey boys, look what I found," Austin called. Tino, Phil, Aaron and Alan all jumpe up and hugged me at once. 

"Boys! Baby on the way!" Austin shouted. They all broke away and glanced down at my large belly. 

"Brod, there's a bump there," Phil said. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for noticing," I said. I hugged them all in turn and chatted with them for a while. They told me aboout the rest of the tour with AA and their upcoming album. I filled them in on my life. 

"So, did Tyler ever come back and bother you?" Tino asked. I hung my head. I had hoped they had all forgotten about Tyler, but Tino was the one who took care of him last time. 

"Well, actually, no," I said. they all quieted down as I told them what Tyler had done to me. I left out the part about me dying for a while. I figure that would have been to much for them to take in. 

"That little fucker," Tino muttered. I placed my hand on his leg to calm him down.

"It's okay, Tino, really. He's gone now. All locked up and far away from me and Oli," I said.

"Still. I can't believe..." he muttered. The boys were all very quiet now. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"I'm okay you guys. Really," I said. 

"If you say so," Alan muttered. I sighe and stood up. 

"I should probably get back. Oli will start to worry," I said. Tin jumped up.

"I'll walk you back," he said. I rolled my eyes, but said nothing. I knew it would make him feel better, but Tyler was long gone now, and there was nothing to worry about. I said my final goodbyes to the boys and left with Tino.

Tino and I were silent as we walked back to my bus. 

"Brodie, you know, if he comes back, you know, we'll always be there for you," he siad. I pulled him into a hug.

"I know that Tino. But what's done is done, and there is nothing more to worry about, okay?" I said. He sighed heavily. 

"Okay," he said quietly. I gave him a peck on the cheek before heading up the stairs.

"Thank you, Tino," I said. He gave me a small smile and waved me off. 

"Anything for a friend," he said. 

Sorry it's so short, and sorry it's been so lng. I really feel bad. So I'm going to try and put a lot of updats out this week, okay? I'm really sorry you guys. 

Her Sempiternal (Sequel to Oliver's Smile)Where stories live. Discover now