The Tides Will Bring Me Back to You

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“Brodie, what the hell were you thinking?” my mother snapped at me. I sighed heavily as I clutched the bathrobe she had given me closer to my body.

“I already told you, mom. I was upset,” I said. She rolled her eyes.

“So why in the hell were you driving?” she asked harshly. I sighed again and looked away from her.

“You wouldn’t understand, mom,” I said. She sighed heavily.

“It’s that boy again, isn’t it,” she said. I glanced up at her.

“He’s none of your business,” I said.

“I told you he was bad news,” she said. I shook my head.

“Look, how long is it going to take for my car to be fixed?” I asked.

“Two days,” she said.

“Fuck,” I muttered. I was stuck here for two days with my horrible mother who enjoyed nothing more than watching me in misery. I quickly got up and headed to my room, brushing past my mother.

“What happened to you, Brodie? What happened to us?” she asked. I stopped walking and turned to face her.

“Well mom, where do I begin? Maybe it started when you let dad ruin our lives. And then you became this emotional ball of nothingness. You lied in front of my teachers about an art project that meant the world to me, and basically told me it was junk, even after I got it tattooed on me. Then, you sent me away to England with nothing more than instructions to go take care of your aunt who I have never met in my whole life. Then she dies, and you don’t even give two shits about her. You didn’t even call her to see if she was okay. Not even once. Then, my boyfriend, the love of my life, is falling apart and he needs me more than ever but even I can’t help him and all you can do is sit there and tell me he probably just lost interest. You’ve never met him, you don’t even know his name or what he means to me. Not to mention, my two best friends in the entire would up and left me without so much of a goodbye. All you care about is making sure that your status in this town is still intact. So, tell me mom, where did I go?” I said. I turned on my heel and headed up the stairs to my old room. My mom stood there with her mouth hanging open.

I quietly closed my door quietly and laid down on my bed. My old posters still decorated my walls, just the way I had left it when I moved out. I knew my mom wouldn’t say anything. Everything I had said was true, whether she liked it or not. I could care less anyway. I just wanted to get away from here as soon as I could. I couldn’t stay in America anymore. I was going back to England no matter what it took. I had to get back to Oli and convince him to stay with me.

Tears seeped into my eyes. I couldn’t believe Oli really forgot about me. We were actually doing pretty well. I still hadn’t told him about Tyler, but I was working up to it. But would he really just leave me?

I rolled over and glanced at my phone. Oli was still set as my wallpaper. I smiled back down at his own smile. I missed it so much. I threw it down to the bottom of my bed. I wanted to talk to him so bad. But what would I say? Confront him about not talking to me?

I sighed and picked my phone up again. I sucked in a deep breath and punched in his number. It rang a few times before his sweet voice echoed through my phone.

“Hey Brodie,” he said simply. My heart lurched.

“Hey Oli. “

“How you’ve you been?” he asked. I sighed heavily. He really did sound different…

“I’ve been… okay,” I said.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing,” I said.

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