While the Candle Still Burns

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Oli's hand rested lightly on my lap. I smiled and I entwined my fingers in with his. He picked them up and kissed them lightly. Matty groaned from the back seat. 

"Can we at least keep the smut to a minimun until we get back to the pad?" he said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. 

"Can you blame me, love?" I asked in a fakr British accent. He returned the eye roll. 

"I think they are cute," Jordan said. I smiled. 

"Well thank you, Jordan. I like you already," I said. He smiled warmly at me. 

"Well that's good news," he said.

"Great," Matty said, sticking his lip out and pouting heavily. 

"Oh Matty Pickles, you know no one could ever replace you," I said. I blew him a kiss. He smiled faintly. 

We were headed back to our new house. Matt and Lee were driving in a small van behind us with they guys luggage. The tour bus would be ariving with in the month, and the album was nearly complete. Warped would be here in a few months, and before we knew it, it would be time to hit the road.

"Excited to hear the new stuff?" Matty asked. I rolled my eyes again.

"Matty, you know that I can't listen to it until it's released," I said. He frowned. 

"Says who?" he said. 

"I do. I want her to wait," Oli said. 

"And I'm okay with that. Two months will be nothing," I said. Oli smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Well, there's a few surprised in it that I want you to hear along with the rest of the fan base," he said.

"Oli, you don't have to explain yourself to me. It's your album," I said. 

"Well this one is going to be the best!" Matty exclaimed. I rolled my eyes again. 

I rounded the corner to the street where our new condo was. Matty's face fell open as we pulled into the driveway.

"This is where we are staying for the next few months?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yes. I just moved in a few days ago. But this is it," I said. I looked nervously at the house. I was still a little unsure about the whole ordeal. But Oli insisted. 

We stepped out of the car. Snow began to fall lightly. I nuzzled up to Oli's warm chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I love you," he said quietly. My heart began to bea faster.

"I love you too," I whispered. I reached up and kissed him for the millionth time, but it still felt like the first time. 

"Hey! Break it up! We stil have to unpack!" Matt shouted. Oli sighed and pulled away. 

"Doesn't anyone get it that I just want to love on my girlfiend for a few seconds. I haven't seen her in eight months," he muttered. I laughed and walked with him over to the back of the van to help load in the guys' stuff. God! They had soo much! Recording stuff, all of their music equipment, and I swear every single item in their houses.

After what seemed like hours of working out in the freezing cold, we finished moving everything inside. I left the guys to unpack and headed inside to make some hot coco. 

As I set the kettle down, I head somene come in behind me. I turned to face them.

"What's up Lee?" I asked. He leaned against the counter, total seriousness on his face.

"Everything okay with you and Oli?" he asked quietly. I raised an eye brow at him, but I nodded. 

"Things are fine, Lee. I mean, we really haven't had time to talk," I said. I dumped packages of the mix into the mugs and got out spoons for each of us. 

"Well keep an eye on him Brodie. He's been a little out of it. Not eating much, and he is having a hard time with, well, you know," he said. I sighed heavily.

"I know Lee. Matty already explained everything to me. I'll watch him. Things are going to be okay. The album is going to be great, the tour is going to be great, and before you know it, we'll be back home in England," I said. 

"So you're really coming back with us," he said. I nodded, thinking back to my brother and my mother. 

"Yes, there is nothing left for me here. My mom is shit, my brother even more so. Cassie is gone, and I have nothing else. So yes, I'm coming back and I'm not leaving ever again," I said. He smiled slightly and stepped forward. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Glad you're here," he said. I smiled. 

"Me too," I said. He pulled away again and left the kitchen. I leaned up against the counter and sighed heavily. 

Matty had explained how Oli had finally gotten rid of his razors. Granted, I had already known about it, and we had talked about it and he promised he would quit, but he waas having a harder time than he thought he would. But Matty had been keeping a close eyes on him. They all had been, even Jordan. I was really starting to llike the newest member of the band. He was extremely poilte, and probably nicer than any of the other guys. 

The kettle went off. I quickly poured the scadling water into the mugs. 

"Hey there," Oli's soft voice called. I smiled as i finished pouring the water.

"Can I help you?" I asked, without turning around. I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

"I'm cold," he murmured. I smirked. 

"And I can do what in that situation?" I asked. He slowly turned me around. I reached up to kiss him. I felt his cold hands cradel the back of my neck, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. I smiled under his lips as I traced his skin softly. 

"Warming up any?" I whispered. I felt him smile.

"Not quite," he whispered. I let out a tiny squeak as he quickly lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him again. I ran my fingers though his soft hair. He shuddered slightly.

"You have no idea how much I missed that," he whispered. I felt the buldge in his pants twitch slightly. I smiled as I kissed him again. 

"I think I do," I whispered. He carried me upstairs to our new bed room, our lips never parting for an instant. 

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