Better Than Better Could Be

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I flopped down on the couch next to Oli and Lee. Oli gave me a little side smirk and placed his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest. 

"have fun," he muttered into my hair. I smiled back at him and nestled down into the crook of his neck.

"Yes, I did. It was nice seeing them again," I said. 

"I totally forgot they were on tour," Lee said. 

"Me too, that is until Austin came up behind me and scared me," I said. Lee laughed and turned his attention back to the TV.

"Why did Tino walk you back to the bus?" Oli asked quietly. 

"He didn't want me alone I guess. I think he's still scared that Tyler is going to show back up, even thugh I told him he's locked away in a tiny jail cell," I said. 

"You told them what happened?" 

"Well, yeah. Tino was the one who fought off Tyler the last time he showed up. Besides, they would have found out sooner or later," I said. I looked away from him. 

"Well, I guess I owe him a thanks," he said quietly. 

"I don't think he'll care either way," I said. I pushed myself off the couch and headed to the bunks. I was tired from being out in the heat all day, and all i wanted to do now was lay down and take a nap. I pushed the curtin to Oli's bunk back and crawled inside. His phone was sitting on his pillow. I pushed it off and gazed out the window. I wished the guys from AA were here. I longed to see my best friend again. It felt like it had been ages since I had seen him last. I hadn't even told him about me and Oli getting engaged. 

Oli's phone buzzed from under the pillow. I sighed and pulled it out. A text from an unknown number shone back at my face.

I miss you, baby. Text me back, please...

My heart froze. My whole body went numb. 

"Who the hell?" I muttered. I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly shoved the phone back under the mattress and closed my eyes. 

"Brodie? Are you awake?" Jordan's soft voice said. I sighed and opened my eyes. 

"Never went to sleep," I muttered. He raised an eyes brow at me, but said nothing more. 

"Well, we have a signing to do, so, if you wanna come with or stay here.." he said, trailing off. 

"I don't really wanna go, Jordan," I said. 

"Well," he said, not looking at me. I sighed heavily. 

"Let me guess, Oli doesn't want me alone, right?' I asked. Jordan hung his head.

"No," he muttered quietly. 

"Jordan, I'm tired. I don't want to go back out in the heat nor do I want to be in front of a thousand screaming fans who try and throw themselves at my fiancee, okay?" I said. 

"Well, he was thinking maybe you could go back over to the Of Mice & Men bus," he said. I sighed again and pushed myself out of bed. 

"Of course he does," i said. I grabbed my Toms and put them back on and threw my hair up in a pony tail. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. coming up behind me. I shook my head and headed to the front door. The gus were no where to be seen, so they must already be at the signing. 

"Nothing Jordan, go on and catch the guys or you're going to miss your first big signing as an official member of the band," I said. I stomped downt he steps and threw the door open. The blinding sun stung my eyes, but I headed back over to Austin's bus. 

I knocked quietly on the door, praying they would still be there. 

Aaron's pudgy face smiled warmly as he opened the door. 

"Brodie! Come in! Didn't expect to see you back so soon. The guys all went out to watch other sets, but I decided to stay here. Lucky you, huh?" he said. I put on a smile and walked up the steps. 

"Sorry for crashing your alone time, it's just, well, Oli had a signing, and," I said, trailing off. He placed his hand on my shoulder and nodded his head.

"Brodie, you know you're always welcome here, no matter what," he said. I smiled my thanks. Aaron was one of the sweetest guys I had ever met in my life. 

We sat on the couch for a little while, watching TV in awkward silence. Finally, Aaron cleared his throat and turned off the TV.

"Brodie, I can't help but to notice some tension surrounding you. Is everything okay?" he asked. I peaked up at him. His brown eyes looked sincere. I sighed and burried my face in my hands. 

"it's Oli," I muttered. 

"What? Is everything okay?"

"Not exactly," I said quietly. 

"Is it the baby? Engagement? World ending?"

"Someone texted him. Someone that misses him a whole lot. Someone that called him baby," I said. Aaron let out a heavy sigh and draped his arm around me and pulled me close. I found myself collapsing into his chest, sobbing my eyes out.

"Brodie, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Oli has this ex. She's a little crazy, and she's rather obbessed with him. I'm surprised he didn't tell you about her," he said. I looked up at him.

"What do you mean? Who is she?" I asked fantically. 

"Her name is Amanda. They broke up long ago. but I guess she isn't quite over him. I don't think you have to much to worry about though. I mean, he's marrying you and you're going to have a baby together. He loves you, everyone knows that," he said. More tears streaked down my face.

"So why not tell me about this crazy woman who's obbessed with him!" I said. 

"Well maybe he thought she finally gave up. Just talk to him about it, hun. I'm sure everything will be okay," he said. I didn't know what else to say. He cradled me in his arms for a little while longer before finally letting go. 

"You should probably be getting back. Signing's don't last long," he said. I sighed and stood up and tried to wipe away the make-up smears. Aaron pointed to the bathroom. I smile slightly and headed in there to clean up. 

I splashed a little wwater on my face and gazed back up at myself. My skin was pale and dry looking, thanks to the wonderful heat. My eyes were red from crying, and all my make-up was pratically gone. I sighed ans washed up and tried to make myself look presentable.

As I walked back to the bus alone, all I could think about was that message. How could Oli not tell me about her? What was it about her that he didn't want me to know about? I neared the bus just as the guys rounded the corner. I took a deep breath and tried to look happy to see them, but my head buzzed with the same terrifying thought; what else hasn't he told me?

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